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VMWare Converter 3 clone error - log file attached

I've had this virtual machine I exported to a VM Workstation image fail import to virtual center like 3 times now, all at different spots. Here is the log - you can see a ton of errors.

\[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5676 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskStep,305] VmiImportTask::task\{11} step "Clone VM" 71% completed

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5676 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5676 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.467 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987160 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987161 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987162 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987163 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[Pcopy] error writing backup data: A device attached to the system is not functioning (31)

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.514 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[Pcopy] Error copying destination file:

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.530 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[Pcopy] Error copying destination file:

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[Pcopy] Error copying destination file:

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 error] \[fileLevelCloningTaskImpl,178] Pcopy_CloneTree failed with err=31

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 error] \[imageProcessingTaskImpl,536] FileLevelCloning::task\{15}: Image processing task has failed with PlatformError fault: 31

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskImpl,154] FileLevelCloning::task\{15}: SetState to error

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,886] Remote task FileLevelCloning::task\{15} completed

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5432 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5432 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,749] Got an update from FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,437] Waiting for updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,515] Cleaning up remote task FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5396 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,668] (Re)Start waiting for property updates from CloneTask::task\{12}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1201] Disposing task wrapper for task FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 verbose] \[disposable,122] object explicitly disposed: FileLevelCloning::task\{15}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 4196 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskImpl,123] FileLevelCloning::task\{15} being destroyed

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 error] \[imageProcessingTaskStep,423] CloneTask::task\{12} step "Cloning into volume virtVol=\{computer=,1}" failed \[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 verbose] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1117] Reporting image processing task failure for task FileLevelCloning::task\{15} \[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 error] \[imageProcessingTaskWrapper,1124] ImageProcessingTask FAILED. Fault name: sysimage.fault.PlatformError \[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 info] \[imageProcessingTaskStep,194] CloneTask::task\{12} step "Cloning into volume virtVol=\{computer=,1}" destroyed

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 5572 info] \[imageProcessingTaskStep,194] CloneTask::task\{12} step "clone volumes" destroyed

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 3548 verbose] \[disposable,122] object explicitly disposed: computer=\{af73d07d9b25874a1d1f58b833cf5bf5ad42b289}

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 3548 verbose] \[diskSet,119] Cleaning up computer's child objects

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.545 'App' 3548 verbose] \[diskSet,135] Unregistring volume id=virtVol=\{computer=,0} \[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 3548 verbose] \[diskSet,135] Unregistring volume id=virtVol=\{computer=,1}

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987169 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.561 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.577 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987170 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.577 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.624 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.624 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.624 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.624 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987171 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:52.624 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987173 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.483 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcNetTcpWrite: bWritten: -1 err: 10054

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvrSend: failed

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] \[NFC ERROR] NfcFssrvr_DiskIo: failed to send io message

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] DISKLIB-LIB : RWv failed ioId: #987175 (38434) (34) .

\[??] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.545 'App' 5844 info] \[stub,42] Vmount library: Error 38434 while while writing to device

\[#4] \[2007-05-30 13:03:53.749 'App' 3548 verbose] \[diskSet,145] Unregistring disk id=disk=\{14f61f1ed9676df5f2d3f78ac93372b09e93aa6f}

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6 Replies

Moved to Converter forum

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Does the VM actually get created before this error is generated and then subsequently 'destroyed', or is no VM generated in VC?

Are there any other VMs on the datastore you are importing to.... or is it a new datastore?



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It isn't a new datastore and it creates the VM, clones like 40gb, then it fails and deletes the data and VM

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Can you post the relevant log files from


and c:\documents and settings\"user profile"\local settings\temp\n\vmware-temp (n is just an assigned number)

These 2 log files might help shed light on the situation

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Having the same error message "failed to send io message" when trying to clone a Windows 2003 domino server with VMware Converter 3.0.0. Did anyone ever find out the answer to this?



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