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  • 1.  BSOD 007B in Win XP

    Posted Nov 22, 2008 11:27 AM

    I tried to convert Win XP from a Lenovo Thinkpad R60e to a vm for server 2.0. After some futile attempts with 3.0 I used the beta which seems to offer more flexibility.

    3.0 always terminated at 97 % (Unable to determine Os). With the beta I had (I suppose the same error) at 94% in the reconfig phase.Turned off the reconfig option, the conversion for the first time ended successfully, however the clone always is unbootable.

    Get bsod 0x0000007b (0xf7941524,0xc0000034,0x00..,0x00..0)

    Tried various options for the disk adapter ("same" and buslogic).

    The error messages from converter:

    Caught an exception while waiting on the agent task to complete. Gathering agent logs before propogating the exception further. Exception message: converter.agent.internal.fault.ReconfigFault

  • 2.  RE: BSOD 007B in Win XP

    Posted Nov 23, 2008 05:55 PM

    a 7B PSOD error in Windows usually relates to the inability to find a Boot Device, I expect that your original machine had an IDE boot device, ESX does not support IDE HDD's in VM's there fore you have to prestage your conversion by adding the SCSI disk drivers to the machine prior to conversion

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    Tom Howarth

    VMware Communities User Moderator

  • 3.  RE: BSOD 007B in Win XP

    Posted Nov 24, 2008 05:36 PM

    Thanks, Tom. I'm beginning to understand this windows stuff a little bit.

    So, I have a sata controller in the physical machine, for the virtual machine I can choose between ide and scsi. The question is, how can I install the scsi driver since I don't have the installation disks for xp.

    Also tried the ide option, to no avail.

  • 4.  RE: BSOD 007B in Win XP

    Posted Nov 24, 2008 07:50 PM

    what you need to do is visit the LSI web site and download the LSI20320-R SCSI adapter driver, you can then add this to your build. The LSI Logic Web site also provides an Installation [|].

    If you found this or any other answer useful please consider the use of the Helpful or correct buttons to award points

    Tom Howarth

    VMware Communities User Moderator

  • 5.  RE: BSOD 007B in Win XP
    Best Answer

    Posted Nov 25, 2008 05:43 PM

    From the user post, as I understand he is not going to ESX and IDE should not be a problem. Also the user mentioned that he selected "buslogic" as the destination controller, so my guess is that it might not be LSIlogic related.

    Could you please use converter to get the logs and attach them here. Better yet, please post on the converter 4.0 beta forums since you are using the 4.0. In 4.0 you could right click on failed task and click on "export logs".