VMware Global Community

VSphere: Solução Erro Deploy OVF template - The task was canceled by a user.

Bom dia galera, estava sofrendo para fazer um deploy, e acontecia o seguinte erro:

Good morning guys, I was struggling to make a deploy, and the following error occurred:

Deploy OVF template
The task was canceled by a user.

Tentei várias "soluções" da internet mas nada, então resolvi abrir o arquivo hostname.ovf, verifiquei que na string:

I tried several "solutions" of the internet but nothing, so I decided to open the file hostname.ovf, I noticed that the string:


Estava com a ext. iso., Alterei para atapi, pois como não há referência para iso, somente atapi seria o padrão. E ficou da seguinte maneira:

He was with the iso extension., changed for atapi, because as there is no reference for iso atapi would be the only standard. And was as follows:


Após fazer isso se tentar efetuar o deploy, acontecerá um erro referente ao Check Sum, então apague o arquivo:

After doing this if attempting to deploy, an error happen for the Check Sum, then delete the file:


E efetue o deploy.

And execute the deploy

Espero ter ajudado.

I hope so help.


Kind Regards.


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