VMware Cloud Community

VDR Not creating restore points on certain servers yet no fails!

Ok. I am running VDR 2.0 and I am trying to back up this vm but It will not go!!! I have tried several configurations, we just ran sysprep on this and removed the vss client and then saved it as a template. (the sysprep was to aviod sid issues with multiple machines in the same vlan, and the vss removal was to avoid the cannot quiesce errors) The os on this particular machine is windows server 2008 r2. I have tried the following things.

uninstall vmtools all together (no errors backup complete, no restore point)

install vmtools complete (no errors backup complete, no restore point)

un install and reinstall all but vss on vm tools (no errors backup complete, no restore point)

Tried backing up a different windows 2008 r2 sever with no vss (backup complete With a restore point)

every other machine will backup just fine (except ones created with this template) any suggestions? attached are my vdr reports page and my vdr restore page.

The machine I am trying to backup is the vsstestingsysprep server. thanks


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