Automatically Securing Virtual Machines Using a vCenter Alarm (

Automatically Securing Virtual Machines Using a vCenter Alarm (

The contains the following files:

runPerlScript.bat - Batch script that will executed by vCenter Server alarm for vmAdvSetting (vSphere SDK for Perl script)
runPSScript.bat - Batch script that will be executed by vCenter Server alarm for VMAdvancedConfigurations.ps1 (PowerCLI script)
VMAdvancedConfiguration.ps1 - PowerCLI script to apply advanced settings for Virtual Machines - vSphere SDK for Perl script to apply advanced settings for Virtual Machines
vphere-5-security-hardening.txt - Text file contain key/value pair of vSphere Security Hardening parameters that is ready by the two scripts

Please refer to this blog post Automatically Securing Virtual Machines Using a vCenter Alarm for more details.


excellent, thanks!

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎07-17-2012 04:23 PM
Updated by: