VMware Cloud Community

VRO 8.4 workflow using "Run Script in VM guest"


Very new to vRO. Yes, we are way behind on our version and will be planning on getting it up to at least 8.10.

I have a workflow leveraging "Run Script in VM guest" and running into below error when its moving on to the next workflow. below is the error. its just calling a powershell module on the script server and passing in the $computer variable. can someone direct to what might be causing the issue.


*** item: 'Run script in VM guest/item16', state: 'failed', business state: 'Test VM tools', exception: 'powershell script type is not valid for OS null' workflow: 'Windows Decom' (cce2eb18-6d22-406f-9158-4a83ed6b0f26) | 'attribute': name=vm_script_runner type=VC:VirtualMachine value=dunes://service.dunes.ch/CustomSDKObject?id='vcenterserver.example.com%2Cid:vm-455385'&dunesName='VC:VirtualMachine' | 'attribute': name=replacingString type=string value=$computername | 'attribute': name=scriptVariables type=Array/CompositeType(stringToReplace:string,replacingString:string):scriptVariables value=[163:CompositeType(stringToReplace:string,replacingString:string):scriptVariables#{15:18:replacingString=string#Chdtw1ap274 15:20:stringToReplace=string#$computername },155:CompositeType(stringToReplace:string,replacingString:string):scriptVariables#{15:14:replacingString=string#rnicand 15:16:stringToReplace=string#$engineer },153:CompositeType(stringToReplace:string,replacingString:string):scriptVariables#{15:12:replacingString=string#12345 15:16:stringToReplace=string#$changeID

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1 Reply

Try CoolRun from CoolRun — Daniel Langenhan - Cloud and Automation Architect

You can run very easy run Guest Scripts.

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