VMware Cloud Community

Software component computed value data type

I have the following error saving a blueprint when setting a computed value to bind to a string value on another software component.

Component [Wp_Database_1] has property [Wp_Database_1~db_password] that refers to [MySQL_1~dbpassword] which has different data type.

Basically the component MYSQL_1 puts a value into the dbpassword computed property. This is just done through a normal bash variable assignment.

it lets me save the blueprint with _resource~MySQL_1~dbpassword as the binding value in Wp_Database_1 db_password, but the blueprint will fail when deployed with error "Cannot find resources for field path [MySQL_1]"

i just want a computed value from 1 software component to be passed through to another. What am i doing wrong?

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1 Reply

I've done some tweaking of this a bit. But now get the following error.

The following component requests failed: passwordtes_1. Internal error in processing component request: [Error code: 10102 ] - [Error Msg: Cannot find resources for field path [MySQL_1] of deployment [6b2dcfbf-e166-4a97-847f-aaf3b20f889d]. Current component [MySQL_1]]

MySQL_1 installs mysql and then should populate a compute property called dbpassword to pass on to other components.

dbpawssword definitely exists as i can "echo $dbpassword" in the MySQL_1 component and it displays the PW in the log files.

I'm setting dbpassword in the vRA bash code using

dbpassword=$(< /dev/urandom tr -dc A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c10)@

Is this the correct way to set computed values?

The passwordtes_1 component simply contains bash to "echo $dbpassword"

There is a property in this component called dbpassword. That property contains the binding lookup "_resource~MySQL_1~dbpassword" to get the variable that should be passed through from MySQL_1.

The question is, why is it not populating for use by other components?

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