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Topic of the week: How do I install AppDefense?

How do I install AppDefense?

An Overview showing how AppDefense can be deployed and fully functional in 5 easy steps:

Physical Deployment

  • First, deploy the appliance into the vCenter that you will deploy AppDefense to (one per vCenter).
  • After the appliance is deployed, then deploy the host module through the AppDefense Manager.
  • Be sure that vib is installed on all hosts that will have VMs with AppDefense on them (there will be no downtime installing on the host(s).
  • Finally, install to the guest through VMtools. (enable guest integrity and plan accordingly as this will take a reboot of the guest.)
  • Check our documentation and blogs for deployment short cuts and integrations that can be done in this step. 

Scope and Service Set up

  • Next, set up scopes and services. (scopes are the datacenter application(s) and the services are the tiers within that application.)
  • You will add the VMs you have installed AppDefense on into the services within the scope.
  • Check our documentation, blogs, and youtube channel to see best practices setting up scopes and services.



  • After setting up the services in a scope, discovery mode will be automatically enabled to learn processes and behaviors.

Protected Mode

  • Upon completion of discovery mode and any edits to processes and behaviors in the dashboard, the scope is ready for protected mode.

Remediation Actions

  • Once the scope(s) is/are in protected mode, then decide what (if any) remediation actions you would like to set. This is done at the service level which allows for more granular control of actions being taken. (If no remediation actions are set, AppDefense will only alert you when a deviation occurs.)

Once these 5 steps are complete you are fully protected and operational with AppDefense! (For a step-by-step direction guide please refer to our documentation: VMware AppDefense Documentation)

Happy AppDefending!

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