VMware Horizon Community

This would be great if it wasn't such a mess. Can't get an appstack to show under Applications. Help?

Ok, so a little background. vSphere 6, 7 hosts, 400 virtual desktops. I personally set up the cluster, and Horizon View. Running without any problems. Our licensing also includes AppVolumes, but we aren't using it in production yet. Started testing 2.10, got it up and running, worked great. Upgraded to 2.9, a few issues (had to delete\recreate all appstacks), but got it working. So now, I see 3.0 is out, i'm like YAY! I uninstall our 2.9 environment, so I can perform a clean install of 3.0.

Every. Single. Step. Is. A. Hurdle.

I've finally got the appliance installed (had to recreate 3 times just so I could create a NEW PASSWORD, token manipulation errors galore).

Added my vCenter instance (had to turn off SSL authentication via appliance console to finally work, and still not clear on what the prefixes are actually used for).

Added a file share (I previously had these on a dedicated datastore. Fine, I'll create a share on a Win server with full NTFS\share permissions).

I have a VDI pool with the agent installed, and updated my capture machine with the latest software. Create a simple appstack (Notepad++), the command line tool was so far the easiest and least problematic step of the whole process. Copy the JSON\VMDK files to the file share, perform a sync.. nothing.

Start looking at the documentation (which I'm following, jumping around because it's not in any sensible order) for logs so I can see why my applications aren't showing up. I open the log URL and... it's the old AppVolumes interface (from 2.1\2.9). What the hell?

Really, I just want to understand why my app isn't showing why I sync. And why is the old interface even still there?

VMWare, please put up some videos. More documentation. A hands-on lab for AppVolumes 3 would be fantastic.

0 Kudos
15 Replies

Feeling your pain here...I had the exact same issue on my lab as well.

As it turned out, I went back to my vCenter Location configuration and updated the two datastore prefixes (that you so appropriately noted as ambiguous) and changed them to a prefix of a datastore that truly existed in my environment.  Then I could observe my applications in the AV Manager.

It would appear that the workflow is:

  • You copy completed App Stack to shared folder
  • You refresh the file share location in AV Manager
  • The AV Manager sees the files, then copies them to a datastore that matches your "datastore prefix" setting in the vCenter config
  • After the copy of the App Stacks to the datastore is completed, the AV Manager then shows them in the inventory of applications (i noticed about a 30 second delay for them to show up after the rescan)

So ultimately, the inventory of applications is reading from the datastore, NOT the shared path you parked the App Stacks.  Surprise!

Previously, not really understanding the significance of the datastore prefix settings, I just put in "AV_" and "AVW_" in those fields.  After changing it to "NASBox_NFS" (a real datastore that exists), then I watched as the AV Manager created a folder in that datastore and copied in the files from the shared path.

Oh PS.  That datastore prefix....if you have one datastore like me, this is no biggie.  If you have...lets say....50, and they all are named like "EMCOwnsMySoul_VDI_##", then the AV Manager will copy the App Stacks to EVERY datastore with that prefix.  I guess this is how they provide App Stack High Availability?  Just make sure those app stacks make it to the same datastore your presenting guest VMs are on.

Hope that's helpful.

0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply, I appreciate any info.

The prefix fields did already contain a pre-existing data store (the one I'd created specifically for appstacks for the previous version).

I even see the app copied to the data store under cloudvolumes\apps.

Resyncing the file share didn't help. Restarting the appliance didn't help.

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Couple things. For production deployments 2.10 (2.9 is the earlier release) is the recommended version to run. 3.0 is the first release that integrates many products into a single platform while also introducing some game changing technologies like AppToggle. However as such it is still not at full feature parity with the 2.x platform.

We are working on additional collateral for AV3.x so please stay tuned and please keep providing feedback.

Can you share the production log from the Manager? Will provide some insight as to why it is not syncing. just go to the OVA ip/FQDN:3443/log

0 Kudos

I appreciate your help, Jason. We are not yet using AppVolumes in production, so I felt it was relatively safe to try out 3.0 and play with the newer features.

Would you prefer I post the log here or is there an email address you'd rather me send the info to?

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

If not in production then yes please keep tinkering with 3.0 but if you are planning to go live, it should be 2.10 (or the upcoming Q2 release of 2.10.1).

Post here is fine as I might actually see it. Too many emails as it is..

0 Kudos

This appears to be the relevant part of the log file. Let me know if you need more.

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R143  INFO Started GET "/xms/file_shares/1/files?path=Notepad.json" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R144  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R143  INFO Processing by Xms::FilesController#get_files as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R143  INFO   Parameters: {"file_share_id"=>"1", "path"=>"Notepad.json"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R144  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R144  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (1.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R144  INFO Completed 200 OK in 8.1ms (Views: 3.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R144  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R143  INFO Completed 200 OK in 23.2ms (Views: 2.3ms | ActiveRecord: 6.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R143  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R146  INFO Started GET "/xms/vsphere/vcenters" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R146  INFO Processing by Xms::Vsphere::VcentersController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R146  INFO   Rendered xms/vsphere/vcenters/index.jsonify (1.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R146  INFO Completed 200 OK in 7.8ms (Views: 2.7ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R146  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants/1/services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#services as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/services.jsonify (169.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO Completed 200 OK in 177.5ms (Views: 31.5ms | ActiveRecord: 143.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R147  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (227.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO Completed 200 OK in 244.1ms (Views: 179.3ms | ActiveRecord: 57.5ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R145  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO Started POST "/xms/vsphere/vcenters/1/volumes" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R149  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:28 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R149  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#show as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO Processing by Xms::Vsphere::VolumesController#create as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R149  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   Parameters: {"data"=>{"vcenter_id"=>"1", "metadata"=>{"program"=>{"wemcapture"=>"", "AppVolumes"=>""}, "disk"=>{"uniqueId"=>"{DF27F7E7-1D44-4D84-94D0-EFE764BE2AEE}", "creationTime"=>"Friday, 01 April 2016 17:29:59 UTC", "author"=>"", "description"=>"", "source"=>"template", "filePath"=>"C:\\ProgramData\\VMware\\AppCapture\\appvhds\\Notepad.vhd"}, "plugins"=>{"mirage"=>{"version"=>"", "status"=>""}, "thinapp"=>{"version"=>"", "status"=>""}}, "machine"=>{"cpuArchitecture"=>"64-bit", "machineType"=>"virtual", "machineName"=>"TEMPLATE-PC", "machineDNSName"=>"Template-PC", "workgroupName"=>"WORKGROUP"}, "operatingsystem"=>{"osName"=>"Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ", "osProductType"=>"48", "osVersion"=>"6.1.7601", "osMajorVersion"=>"6", "osMinorVersion"=>"1", "osBuildNumber"=>"7601", "osServicePack"=>"Service Pack 1", "osServicePackVersion"=>"1.0", "osArchitecture"=>"64-bit", "osLanguage"=>"en-US English (United States)"}, "appstack"=>{"volumeID"=>"{1b802ba0-f82f-11e5-9cd9-005056b455ee}", "applicationBundles"=>{"count"=>"1", "applicationBundle0"=>{"guid"=>"{97c05b38-9a79-47e2-b176-2276abb99aa9}", "name"=>"Notepad", "operatingsystem"=>{"osName"=>"Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ", "osProductType"=>"48", "osVersion"=>"6.1.7601", "osMajorVersion"=>"6", "osMinorVersion"=>"1", "osBuildNumber"=>"7601", "osServicePack"=>"Service Pack 1", "osServicePackVersion"=>"1.0", "osArchitecture"=>"64-bit", "osLanguage"=>"en-US English (United States)"}, "count"=>"1", "apps"=>{"0"=>{"name"=>"Notepad++", "version"=>"6.9.1", "publisher"=>"Notepad++ Team", "installlocation"=>"", "iconIndex"=>"0"}}}}, "icons"=>{"count"=>"1", "icon0"=>{"type"=>"image/png", 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"}}}}, "local_fullpath"=>"/mnt/wem/__10_30_6_86_AppStacks/Notepad.vmdk", "remote_directory"=>"cloudvolumes/apps"}, "datastore_prefix"=>"VDILUN_AppStacks01", "vcenter_id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO ESX hostname is not configured for "#<Xms::Vcenter:0x000000092cc578>", automatically detecting...
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Connecting to vSphere "administrator@vsphere.local@" on "#<Thread:0x007fcd206fba40>"
[2016-04-04 14:30:28 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Using unverified https vSphere connection to "administrator@vsphere.local@" due to absent CA file "/usr/local/av-manager/config/cacert.pem"
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R149  INFO Completed 200 OK in 137.2ms (Views: 15.9ms | ActiveRecord: 60.3ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R149  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:29 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Connected to vSphere at "administrator@vsphere.local@" on "#<Thread:0x007fcd206fba40>" - Took 211.4028ms
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: vSphere Server: "VMware vCenter Server 6.0.0 build-2656760" Instance: "2aa9acfc-1bdc-48ff-a3ba-d8bb92784301" License: "VMware VirtualCenter Server"
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (100.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO Completed 200 OK in 115.8ms (Views: 71.4ms | ActiveRecord: 33.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R150  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R151  INFO Started GET "/xms/file_shares" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:29 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R151  INFO Processing by Xms::FileSharesController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R151  INFO Completed 200 OK in 13.8ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 7.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R151  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R152  INFO Started GET "/xms/vsphere/vcenters" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:29 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R152  INFO Processing by Xms::Vsphere::VcentersController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R152  INFO   Rendered xms/vsphere/vcenters/index.jsonify (2.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R152  INFO Completed 200 OK in 124.2ms (Views: 3.9ms | ActiveRecord: 8.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R152  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants/1/services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:29 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#services as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO Using ESX host "gold.library.local" for volume upload
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/services.jsonify (33.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO Completed 200 OK in 38.9ms (Views: 23.6ms | ActiveRecord: 11.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Connecting to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" on "#<Thread:0x007fcd206fba40>"
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R153  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Using unverified https vSphere connection to "root@gold.library.local" due to absent CA file "/usr/local/av-manager/config/cacert.pem"
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:29 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (1 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:30 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:30 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (2 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:31 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:31 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (3 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:32 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:32 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (4 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:33 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:33 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (5 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R154  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R155  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R155  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R154  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R154  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (1.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R154  INFO Completed 200 OK in 8.2ms (Views: 3.8ms | ActiveRecord: 0.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R154  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R155  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (1.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R155  INFO Completed 200 OK in 23.7ms (Views: 3.1ms | ActiveRecord: 12.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R155  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (112.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO Completed 200 OK in 138.6ms (Views: 62.8ms | ActiveRecord: 58.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R156  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (121.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO Completed 200 OK in 150.3ms (Views: 56.8ms | ActiveRecord: 81.5ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R157  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R158  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R158  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#show as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R158  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R159  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R159  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#show as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R159  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R158  INFO Completed 200 OK in 249.5ms (Views: 139.7ms | ActiveRecord: 62.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R158  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Retry connection to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" in 1.0s (6 of 6 attempts)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R159  INFO Completed 200 OK in 265.5ms (Views: 11.8ms | ActiveRecord: 198.5ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R159  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (94.5ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO Completed 200 OK in 108.3ms (Views: 54.3ms | ActiveRecord: 46.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R161  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (104.4ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO Completed 200 OK in 128.7ms (Views: 48.6ms | ActiveRecord: 69.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R160  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R162  INFO Started GET "/xms/workspace/applications" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R162  INFO Processing by Xms::Workspace::ApplicationsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R162  INFO   Rendered xms/workspace/applications/index.jsonify (0.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R162  INFO Completed 200 OK in 4.5ms (Views: 1.6ms | ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R162  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R163  INFO Started GET "/xms/workspace/applications/operating_systems" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:34 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R163  INFO Processing by Xms::Workspace::ApplicationsController#operating_systems as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R163  INFO Completed 200 OK in 14.4ms (Views: 0.4ms | ActiveRecord: 9.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:34 UTC]    P2210R163  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO   RvSphere: Error connecting to vSphere using "root@gold.library.local": getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148 ERROR   RvSphere: Gave up connecting to vSphere "root@gold.library.local" after 6 attempts over 6.0 seconds
[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148 ERROR   RvSphere: Failed to connect to vSphere at "root@gold.library.local" due to socket error: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known
[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148 ERROR Unable to upload volume because a connection to ESX could not be established
[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO Completed 400 Bad Request in 6690.7ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 29.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:35 UTC]    P2210R148  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R164  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:36 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R164  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R164  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (1.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R164  INFO Completed 200 OK in 7.0ms (Views: 3.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R164  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:36 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (64.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO Completed 200 OK in 78.6ms (Views: 54.7ms | ActiveRecord: 14.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R165  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R166  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:36 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R166  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#show as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:36 UTC]    P2210R166  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R166  INFO Completed 200 OK in 85.6ms (Views: 18.9ms | ActiveRecord: 14.9ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R166  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO Started GET "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36/service_sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO Processing by Xms::ServiceSessionsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO   Parameters: {"session_id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO   Rendered xms/service_sessions/index.jsonify (66.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO Completed 200 OK in 217.4ms (Views: 55.2ms | ActiveRecord: 149.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R167  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R168  INFO Started DELETE "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R169  INFO Started DELETE "/cv_api/sessions" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R168  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#destroy as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R168  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R169  INFO Processing by CvApi::SessionsController#destroy_current as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R169  INFO    Manager: Destroying session for "User <LIBRARY\DOMAINUSER>"
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R169  INFO Completed 200 OK in 18.2ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 9.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R168  INFO Completed 200 OK in 69.0ms (Views: 0.9ms | ActiveRecord: 45.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R168  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R169  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R170  INFO Started DELETE "/xms/sessions/7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R170  INFO Processing by Xms::SessionsController#destroy as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R170  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"7d23835d-3bb6-46d4-9988-5c406b27aa36"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R170  INFO Completed 404 Not Found in 4.2ms (Views: 0.5ms | ActiveRecord: 1.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R170  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R171  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R171  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R171  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (2.4ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R171  INFO Completed 200 OK in 9.3ms (Views: 4.7ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R171  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants/1/services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#services as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/services.jsonify (34.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO Completed 200 OK in 42.3ms (Views: 34.6ms | ActiveRecord: 3.2ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R172  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R173  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants/1" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R173  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#show as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R173  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R173  INFO Completed 200 OK in 4.9ms (Views: 1.0ms | ActiveRecord: 0.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R173  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R174  INFO Started GET "/xms/file_shares" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R175  INFO Started GET "/xms/identity_services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R174  INFO Processing by Xms::FileSharesController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R175  INFO Processing by Xms::Identity::DomainsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R175  INFO   Rendered xms/identity/domains/index.jsonify (2.3ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R175  INFO Completed 200 OK in 12.7ms (Views: 3.9ms | ActiveRecord: 1.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R175  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R174  INFO Completed 200 OK in 25.1ms (Views: 2.0ms | ActiveRecord: 10.6ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R174  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R176  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R176  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R176  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/index.jsonify (1.3ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R176  INFO Completed 200 OK in 5.4ms (Views: 2.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R176  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO Started GET "/xms/tenants/1/services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO Processing by Xms::TenantsController#services as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO   Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO   Rendered xms/tenants/services.jsonify (32.0ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO Completed 200 OK in 39.2ms (Views: 31.4ms | ActiveRecord: 3.1ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R177  INFO

[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO Started GET "/xms/identity_services" for at 2016-04-04 10:30:37 -0400
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO Processing by Xms::Identity::DomainsController#index as JSON
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO   Parameters: {"all"=>"true"}
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO   Rendered xms/identity/domains/index.jsonify (1.8ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO Completed 200 OK in 9.8ms (Views: 3.3ms | ActiveRecord: 0.7ms)
[2016-04-04 14:30:37 UTC]    P2210R178  INFO

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Do you have multiple hosts and are you using the same password for root for them?

0 Kudos
Hot Shot
Hot Shot

To confirm Jason_Marshall questions, do the following, if not already have.

  1. Open https://AppVolMgr(IP):3443
  2. Login to the manager
  3. Proceed to the 'ACTIVITY/SYSTEM Messages' tab and look for this log entry.


Check for User Name is correct and it is case sensitive. Also confirm you can successfully login with that account, via vSphere Client.

DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES in AppVolMgr portal.

0 Kudos


You got the SAME ERROR than me when I started this "proof of concept" ...

INFO ESX hostname is not configured

2 things to verify:

1) Under your VCENTER configuration at the AppStack Datastore Prefix and Writable datastore Prefix ... Make sure you have put a existing DATASTORE NAME inside those field. It,s CASE SENSITIVE.

2) Make sure you have the same ROOT password on every ESXi server or create an "local" account on every ESXi that have the same existing password and use that account.

But I agree that 3.0 should be a cadillac compare to version 2.0 and it's worst.

0 Kudos

Here is the message under system messages. I have omitted the hostname. The credentials work fine elsewhere.

Failed to connect to vSphere at root@hostname due to socket error: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known

0 Kudos

The prefixes do point to an existing share, case sensitivity accounted for. Root password is identical on all hosts. The files are syncing, just not showing up under Applications. Not sure why I'm getting "Name or service not known" system messages as DNS resolves the hostnames without any issues.

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Tried tuning off SSL and firewall on OVA yet?

0 Kudos

I disabled SSL right at the beginning in order to connect to my vCenter. I just disabled the firewall, rebooted, and did another file sync - nothing. Same error.

What is the recommended method for reviewing\modifying any of the initial network configuration?

0 Kudos

So I noticed that the appliance DNS name in the vsphere client was a little off (localhost.localdom, something along those lines), decided to shut it down so I could try different combinations of information under Settings > Options > Properties. I'd originally entered only the most basic information (IP address, Gateway, Netmask) assuming the rest of the information would pull from DCHP as indicated. At no point did I remove the IP address, but after a few reboots it decided to change to DHCP for the address as well. So the old appliance has been wiped, and a new one is in its place.

The first thing I did after setting the root password was disable BOTH firewall and ssh.

Domain bind completed successfully on first attempt; last time, I had to go under advanced and enter a domain controller IP otherwise it wouldn't work (I'm guessing disabling the firewall helped).

I added the same vCenter server, root password the same, BUT instead of using administrator@vsphere.local I used an actual domain account for the vCenter username (again, I couldn't do this before, so it may have been the firewall).

Same file share has been added. Triggered a sync. Still no applications showing.

There is only one system message now. The file in question is left over from the previous App Volumes installation.

Failed to download file "template_uia_plus_profile.vmdk": https://ESXHOST/folder/cloudvolumes/writable_templates/template_uia_plus_profile.vmdk?dcPath=ha-data...

0 Kudos

Thank you Jason for this information.

It would be great if the EUC SE's would provide the same recommendations. I asked 2 SE's if they thought v3.0 was production ready before I jumped in and both answered along the lines of "It's GA and we have customers that are using it in production", so I went ahead and tried implementing v3.0. There were issues in every step along the way, took a few days of frustration until I gave up and I am now implementing v2.10 (Which works fantastic). I wish I would of received this recommendation earlier.

I am looking forward to upgrading to v3.0 once it will be more stable and a migration path will be provided.

0 Kudos