VMware View Client: Kiosk Mode and other settings

VMware View Client: Kiosk Mode and other settings

This post is nothing special, but for some reason this information isn't documented anywhere except if you do a wswc /? once you have the View Client installed.  I personally like to run the View Client as a ThinApp (that way its portable) so it was annoying that this information wasn't out there in a document.  So here it is all the flags that are exposed for the VMware View Client for Windows:

VMware View Client 5.0.0 build-481677 command line usage:
-desktopName XXXDesktop to autostart
-domainName XXXDomain for server login
-file XXXFile with additional command line parameters
-languageId XXXLCID of language to use (if available), e.g. 0x409 for English
-nonInteractiveSuppress error message boxes for fully scripted startup
-password XXXPassword for server login
-smartCardPIN XXXPIN for smart card login
-desktopProtocol XXXAttempt to use the specified desktop display protocol
-desktopLayout XXXSpecify desktop screen size (e.g. fullscreen, multimonitor, windowLarge, or windowSmall)
-serverURL XXXURL for the View Connection Server
-logInAsCurrentUser XXXLog in as current user (true or false)
-userName XXXUser name for server login
-unattendedStart in unattended mode. Connects to the entitled desktop without user interaction
-connectUSBOnStartup XXXConnect all USB devices to a desktop when it is launched (true or false)
-connectUSBOnInsert XXXConnect a USB device to the foreground desktop when the device is plugged in (true or false)
-printEnvironmentInfoPrint information about the system
-rollbackRolls back a check out (need -desktopName)
-confirmRollbackConfirm rollback operation in non-interactive mode
-?Show this help
-standaloneThis is a hidden flag but what it does is it allows you to run multiple View Clients simultaneously
Option names are case insensitive.

So if I wanted to setup kiosk mode I'd juse the username, passwordk, URL, and desktop flag.  I'd probably throw in unattended to just to keep in clean.

Gunnar Berger


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Last update:
‎01-05-2012 09:35 AM
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