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Failed to cancel update tools task and stop-vmguest max tries failed

Hi LucD,

After adding timeout in Update-Tools task and stopping the VM with multiple tries the below script was executed on 15 templates and waited for 72 hrs but script never completes even though invoke-vmscript executed on the machines. I think it was struck in some loop. I was unable to find on which loop its got hang can you please help. I am attaching the transcript file.

I have manually cancelled the script and Initially I thought the windows updates are still in progress but when I check manually on vms however no task is pending.

$CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss'

Start-Transcript -Path "C:\My Data\Notepad++\$($CurrentDate)logfile.txt" -NoClobber -Force -Confirm:$false

$script = @'


if(-not (Get-NetIPAddress |?{$_.IPAddress -match "153.71.1"})){

$finalresult+="DHCP IP Not Assigned"



$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

If ($Error) {



$Today = Get-Date

$UpdateCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl

$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher

$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session

$Result = $Searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")

If ($Result.Updates.Count -EQ 0) {

$finalresult+= "There are no applicable updates for this computer."


Else {

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

    $Update = $Result.Updates.Item($Counter)

$UpdateTitle = $Update.Title


$Counter = 0

$DisplayCount = 0

$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()

$UpdatesList = $Result.Updates

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {

$UpdateCollection.Add($UpdatesList.Item($Counter)) | Out-Null

$ShowThis = $UpdatesList.Item($Counter).Title

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

$Downloader.Updates = $UpdateCollection

$Track = $Downloader.Download()

If (($Track.HResult -EQ 0) -AND ($Track.ResultCode -EQ 2)) {

$finalresult+="Download Status:SUCCESS"


Else {

$finalresult+="Download Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error()"




$Counter = 0

$DisplayCount = 0

$Installer = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Installer

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $UpdateCollection.Count; $Counter++) {

$Track = $Null

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

$WriteThis = $UpdateCollection.Item($Counter).Title

$Installer.Updates = $UpdateCollection

Try {

$Track = $Installer.Install()

$finalresult+="Update Installation Status:SUCCESS"


Catch {


$finalresult+= "Update Installation Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error()"






$finalresult -join ','


$tasks = @()

$alltemplates=Get-Datacenter WTR | Get-Template |?{$_.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -match 'windows' -and $_.ExtensionData.runtime.connectionstate -eq 'connected'} |select -First 15  |Select-Object @{N='Name';E={$_.Name}},@{N="Portgroup";E={((Get-View -Id $_.ExtensionData.Network).name)}},@{N="vCenter";E={([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_.Uid.Split(“:”)[0].Split(“@”)[1])).HostName}}

$alltemplates|Export-Csv -Path "C:\My Data\CSV Output\$($CurrentDate)-first5templateswindows.csv" -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber

foreach($singletemplate in $alltemplates){

Set-Template -Template $singletemplate.Name -ToVM -Confirm:$false |fl

$templatevm= Get-VM $singletemplate.Name

$dhcpportgroup=Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMHost $templatevm.VMHost |?{$_.ExtensionData.config.DefaultPortConfig.Vlan.VlanId -eq '2067'}

$nic=Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name

if($nic -eq $null){

New-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name -Portgroup $dhcpportgroup -Type Vmxnet3 -StartConnected -Confirm:$false


Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name |Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $dhcpportgroup -Confirm:$false |fl

Start-VM -VM $templatevm.Name -Confirm:$false |fl

while($templatevm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



if($templatevm.ExtensionData.guest.toolsversionstatus -eq 'guestToolsNeedUpgrade'){

$timeoutSeconds = 600

$start = Get-Date

$task = Get-View -Id (Update-Tools -VM $templatevm.Name -NoReboot  -RunAsync).Id

while((New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds -or

$task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running -or

$task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::queued){

Sleep 5



if($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running){



elseif($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::error){

Write-Error "Update Tools failed"



while($templatevm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



$sInvoke = @{

VM            = $templatevm.Name

GuestUser     = 'administrator'

GuestPassword = ''

ScriptText    = $script

ScriptType    = 'Powershell'

RunAsync      = $true

Confirm       = $false


$tasks += @{

VM = $templatevm.Name

Task = Invoke-VMScript @sInvoke



while($tasks.Task.State -contains 'Running'){

sleep 2



$csvFiles = @()

foreach ($task in $tasks) {

$vm=Get-VM -Name $task.VM

Stop-VMGuest -VM $vm.Name -Confirm:$false

while($vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -ne 'poweredOff'){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 1



Start-VM -VM $vm.Name -Confirm:$false


while($vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 1



$maxCount = 3

$count = 0

while($count -lt $maxCount -and $vm.PowerState -ne 'PoweredOff' ){

Stop-VMGuest -VM $vm -Confirm:$false |fl


Sleep 300

$vm = Get-VM -Name $vm.Name


if($vm.PowerState -ne 'PoweredOff'){

Stop-VM -VM $vm -Confirm:$false |fl


$report+= $task | Select @{N='VM';E={$_.VM}},



@{N ='Result'; E={$_.Task.Result.ScriptOutput.Split("`n") |Where-Object { $_ -ne '' } | %{$_.Trim("`r`n")}}}


$filename = "C:\AllTemplatepatchstatusreport.csv as on dated $($CurrentDate).csv"

$csvFiles += $filename

$report |Export-Csv -Path $filename -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber -UseCulture

Send-MailMessage -From "" -To "" -Subject "Script POC Template Patching" ` -Body "The attachment contains templates patching status" ` -Attachments $csvFiles -SmtpServer ''

$alltemplates |ForEach-Object -Process {

Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_.name |Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $_.Portgroup -Confirm:$false

Set-VM -VM $_.Name -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false



errors on powershell console:


Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos
1 Solution

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I think I found what is happening.
The condition in the Where-clause is incorrect.
There are 2 conditions to stay inside the Where loop:

  1. The timeout has not yet experied
  2. The task is queued or running

Instead of the -or, those conditions should be combined with an -and

$task = Get-View -Id (Update-Tools -VM $vmName -NoReboot  -RunAsync).Id

while((New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds -and

    ($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running -or

    $task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::queued)){

    Sleep 5



if($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running){



elseif($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::error){

    Write-Error "Update Tools failed"


Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

View solution in original post

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10 Replies
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Without actually being able to see the environment, this is hard to analyse the issue.

I would suggest testing this for only 1 VM (the one for which Stop-VMGuest didn't seem to work).
You could include some more info in the script (some Write-Host lines with extra info).

Also, it could help to check before launching a command if there are any background tasks running against that specific VM.

But again, with only the information in this thread, it is hard to analyse the issue.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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Ok I will give a try and update here

Regards Vineeth.K
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Hi LucD,

This time I tested only on 5 templates by adding write-host on each change in the script. On the first vm itself I found the issue with $timeoutSeconds which we added for vmware tools.

I can see tools got updated for the below vm and showing current version but the script never moved to next line.

No Background tasks are running on the VM. I have checked by launching new powershell console and it shows guest operation  ready is true.


$CurrentDate = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss'

$logfilelocation="C:\My Data\Notepad++\$($CurrentDate)logfile.txt"

Start-Transcript -Path $logfilelocation -NoClobber -Force -Confirm:$false

$script = @'


if(-not (Get-NetIPAddress |?{$_.IPAddress -match "153.71.1"})){

$finalresult+="DHCP IP Not Assigned"



$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"

If ($Error) {



$Today = Get-Date

$UpdateCollection = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.UpdateColl

$Searcher = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Searcher

$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session

$Result = $Searcher.Search("IsInstalled=0 and Type='Software' and IsHidden=0")

If ($Result.Updates.Count -EQ 0) {

$finalresult+= "There are no applicable updates for this computer."


Else {

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

    $Update = $Result.Updates.Item($Counter)

$UpdateTitle = $Update.Title


$Counter = 0

$DisplayCount = 0

$Downloader = $Session.CreateUpdateDownloader()

$UpdatesList = $Result.Updates

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $Result.Updates.Count; $Counter++) {

$UpdateCollection.Add($UpdatesList.Item($Counter)) | Out-Null

$ShowThis = $UpdatesList.Item($Counter).Title

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

$Downloader.Updates = $UpdateCollection

$Track = $Downloader.Download()

If (($Track.HResult -EQ 0) -AND ($Track.ResultCode -EQ 2)) {

$finalresult+="Download Status:SUCCESS"


Else {

$finalresult+="Download Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error()"




$Counter = 0

$DisplayCount = 0

$Installer = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Installer

For ($Counter = 0; $Counter -LT $UpdateCollection.Count; $Counter++) {

$Track = $Null

$DisplayCount = $Counter + 1

$WriteThis = $UpdateCollection.Item($Counter).Title

$Installer.Updates = $UpdateCollection

Try {

$Track = $Installer.Install()

$finalresult+="Update Installation Status:SUCCESS"


Catch {


$finalresult+= "Update Installation Status: FAILED With Error -- $Error()"






$finalresult -join ','


$tasks = @()

$alltemplates=Get-Datacenter WTR | Get-Template |?{$_.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestFullName -match 'windows' -and $_.ExtensionData.runtime.connectionstate -eq 'connected'} |select -First 15  |Select-Object @{N='Name';E={$_.Name}},@{N="Portgroup";E={((Get-View -Id $_.ExtensionData.Network).name)}},@{N="vCenter";E={([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($_.Uid.Split(“:”)[0].Split(“@”)[1])).HostName}}

$alltemplates|Export-Csv -Path "C:\My Data\CSV Output\$($CurrentDate)-first5templateswindows.csv" -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber

foreach($singletemplate in $alltemplates){

Write-Host "Marking Template Name $($singletemplate.Name) to VM"

Set-Template -Template $singletemplate.Name -ToVM -Confirm:$false |fl

$templatevm= Get-VM $singletemplate.Name

Write-Host "Collecting DHCP PortGroup Name for Vlanid 2067 from VMhost $($templatevm.VMHost)"

$dhcpportgroup=Get-VirtualPortGroup -VMHost $templatevm.VMHost |?{$_.ExtensionData.config.DefaultPortConfig.Vlan.VlanId -eq '2067'}

Write-Host "Collecting Network Adapter for $($templatevm.Name)"

$nic=Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name

Write-Host "Adding Network Adapter to VM $($templatevm.Name) if not Present"

if($nic -eq $null){

New-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name -Portgroup $dhcpportgroup -Type Vmxnet3 -StartConnected -Confirm:$false



Write-Host "Changing Portgroup to $($dhcpportgroup.Name) to VM $($templatevm.Name)"

Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $templatevm.Name |Set-NetworkAdapter -Portgroup $dhcpportgroup -Confirm:$false |fl


Write-Host "Starting VM $($templatevm.Name) and wait in loop till GuestOperationsReady is true "

Start-VM -VM $templatevm.Name -Confirm:$false |fl

while($templatevm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



Write-Host "Updating vmtools on $($templatevm.Name) if they are Outdated"

if($templatevm.ExtensionData.guest.toolsversionstatus -eq 'guestToolsNeedUpgrade'){

$timeoutSeconds = 900

$start = (Get-Date)

$task = Get-View -Id (Update-Tools -VM $templatevm.Name -NoReboot  -RunAsync).Id

while((New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds -or

$task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running -or

$task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::queued){

Sleep 5



if($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running){



elseif($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::error){

Write-Error "Update Tools failed"



Write-Host "Waiting for GuestOperationsReady to be true on $($templatevm.Name)"


while($templatevm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 3



Write-Host "Performing Invoke Operation on $($templatevm.Name)"

$sInvoke = @{

VM            = $templatevm.Name

GuestUser     = 'administrator'

GuestPassword = ''

ScriptText    = $script

ScriptType    = 'Powershell'

RunAsync      = $true

Confirm       = $false


$tasks += @{

VM = $templatevm.Name

Task = Invoke-VMScript @sInvoke



Write-Host "Invoke Operation is performed on all the templates and waiting for results to be collected"

while($tasks.Task.State -contains 'Running'){

sleep 2



$csvFiles = @()

foreach ($task in $tasks) {

$vm=Get-VM -Name $task.VM

Write-Host "Stopping VM $($vm.Name) to Apply windows updates"

Stop-VMGuest -VM $vm.Name -Confirm:$false

while($vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -ne 'poweredOff'){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 1



Write-Host "Starting back the VM $($vm.Name) after applying updates"

Start-VM -VM $vm.Name -Confirm:$false


while($vm.ExtensionData.Guest.GuestOperationsReady -ne "True"){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 1



Write-Host "Performing Stop operation on VM $($vm.Name) before converting to Template"

Stop-VMGuest -VM $vm.Name -Confirm:$false


while($vm.ExtensionData.Runtime.PowerState -eq 'poweredOn'){

Start-Sleep -Seconds 1



Write-Host "Updating report to csv"

$report+= $task | Select @{N='VM';E={$_.VM}},



@{N ='Result'; E={$_.Task.Result.ScriptOutput.Split("`n") |Where-Object { $_ -ne '' } | %{$_.Trim("`r`n")}}}


$filename = "C:\AllTemplatepatchstatusreport.csv as on dated $($CurrentDate).csv"

$csvFiles += $filename

$report |Export-Csv -Path $filename -NoTypeInformation -NoClobber -UseCulture

Write-Host "Converting Back to templates"

$alltemplates |ForEach-Object -Process {

Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $_.name |Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $_.Portgroup -Confirm:$false

Set-VM -VM $_.Name -ToTemplate -Confirm:$false




Send-MailMessage -From "" -To "" -Subject "Script POC Template Patching" ` -Body "The attachment contains templates patching status" ` -Attachments $csvFiles -SmtpServer ''



However after completing the $timeoutSeconds = 900 it showed this error:


Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos
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I'm wondering if this might be related to the difference between a Client Side Task and a Server Side Task?

Can you add some additional debugging lines around that part of the script?

$task = Get-View -Id (Update-Tools -VM $templatevm.Name -NoReboot  -RunAsync).Id

Write-Host "Task type $($task.GetType().Name)"

$task.Info | Format-Custom

while((New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds -or

    $task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running -or

    $task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::queued){

    Sleep 5

    Get-Variable -Name task



Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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After adding the debugging lines. I got this in transcript file upon running on one template.

Updating vmtools on SEH04_Win2k8_r2_std_64bit if they are Outdated

WARNING: Automatic update of VMware tools is not fully supported for non-Windows OSs. Manual intervention might be required.

Task type Task

class TaskInfo


  Key = task-975776

  Task =

    class ManagedObjectReference


      Type = Task

      Value = task-975776


  Description =

  Name = UpgradeTools_Task

  DescriptionId = VirtualMachine.upgradeTools

  Entity =

    class ManagedObjectReference


      Type = VirtualMachine

      Value = vm-3657


  EntityName = SEH04_Win2k8_r2_std_64bit

  Locked =

  State = running

  Cancelled = False

  Cancelable = False

  Error =

  Result =

  Progress = 0

  Reason =

    class TaskReasonUser


      UserName = CORP\username


  QueueTime =

    class DateTime


      Date =

        class DateTime


          Date =

            class DateTime


              Date =

                class DateTime


                  Date =

                    class DateTime


                      Date = 7/23/2020 12:00:00 AM

                      Day = 23

                      DayOfWeek = Thursday

                      DayOfYear = 205

                      Hour = 0

                      Kind = Utc

                      Millisecond = 0

                      Minute = 0

                      Month = 7

                      Second = 0

                      Ticks = 637310592000000000

                      TimeOfDay = 00:00:00

                      Year = 2020

                      DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


                  Day = 23

                  DayOfWeek = Thursday

                  DayOfYear = 205

                  Hour = 0

                  Kind = Utc

                  Millisecond = 0

                  Minute = 0

                  Month = 7

                  Second = 0

                  Ticks = 637310592000000000

                  TimeOfDay =

                    class TimeSpan


                      Ticks = 0

                      Days = 0

                      Hours = 0

                      Milliseconds = 0

                      Minutes = 0

                      Seconds = 0

                      TotalDays = 0

                      TotalHours = 0

                      TotalMilliseconds = 0

                      TotalMinutes = 0

                      TotalSeconds = 0


                  Year = 2020

                  DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


              Day = 23

              DayOfWeek = Thursday

              DayOfYear = 205

              Hour = 0

              Kind = Utc

              Millisecond = 0

              Minute = 0

              Month = 7

              Second = 0

              Ticks = 637310592000000000

              TimeOfDay =

                class TimeSpan


                  Ticks = 0

                  Days = 0

                  Hours = 0

                  Milliseconds = 0

                  Minutes = 0

                  Seconds = 0

                  TotalDays = 0

                  TotalHours = 0

                  TotalMilliseconds = 0

                  TotalMinutes = 0

                  TotalSeconds = 0


              Year = 2020

              DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


          Day = 23

          DayOfWeek = Thursday

          DayOfYear = 205

          Hour = 0

          Kind = Utc

          Millisecond = 0

          Minute = 0

          Month = 7

          Second = 0

          Ticks = 637310592000000000

          TimeOfDay =

            class TimeSpan


              Ticks = 0

              Days = 0

              Hours = 0

              Milliseconds = 0

              Minutes = 0

              Seconds = 0

              TotalDays = 0

              TotalHours = 0

              TotalMilliseconds = 0

              TotalMinutes = 0

              TotalSeconds = 0


          Year = 2020

          DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


      Day = 23

      DayOfWeek = Thursday

      DayOfYear = 205

      Hour = 10

      Kind = Utc

      Millisecond = 983

      Minute = 38

      Month = 7

      Second = 29

      Ticks = 637310975099836510

      TimeOfDay =

        class TimeSpan


          Ticks = 383099836510

          Days = 0

          Hours = 10

          Milliseconds = 983

          Minutes = 38

          Seconds = 29

          TotalDays = 0.443402588553241

          TotalHours = 10.6416621252778

          TotalMilliseconds = 38309983.651

          TotalMinutes = 638.499727516667

          TotalSeconds = 38309.983651


      Year = 2020

      DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 10:38:29 AM


  StartTime =

    class DateTime


      Date =

        class DateTime


          Date =

            class DateTime


              Date =

                class DateTime


                  Date =

                    class DateTime


                      Date = 7/23/2020 12:00:00 AM

                      Day = 23

                      DayOfWeek = Thursday

                      DayOfYear = 205

                      Hour = 0

                      Kind = Utc

                      Millisecond = 0

                      Minute = 0

                      Month = 7

                      Second = 0

                      Ticks = 637310592000000000

                      TimeOfDay = 00:00:00

                      Year = 2020

                      DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


                  Day = 23

                  DayOfWeek = Thursday

                  DayOfYear = 205

                  Hour = 0

                  Kind = Utc

                  Millisecond = 0

                  Minute = 0

                  Month = 7

                  Second = 0

                  Ticks = 637310592000000000

                  TimeOfDay =

                    class TimeSpan


                      Ticks = 0

                      Days = 0

                      Hours = 0

                      Milliseconds = 0

                      Minutes = 0

                      Seconds = 0

                      TotalDays = 0

                      TotalHours = 0

                      TotalMilliseconds = 0

                      TotalMinutes = 0

                      TotalSeconds = 0


                  Year = 2020

                  DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


              Day = 23

              DayOfWeek = Thursday

              DayOfYear = 205

              Hour = 0

              Kind = Utc

              Millisecond = 0

              Minute = 0

              Month = 7

              Second = 0

              Ticks = 637310592000000000

              TimeOfDay =

                class TimeSpan


                  Ticks = 0

                  Days = 0

                  Hours = 0

                  Milliseconds = 0

                  Minutes = 0

                  Seconds = 0

                  TotalDays = 0

                  TotalHours = 0

                  TotalMilliseconds = 0

                  TotalMinutes = 0

                  TotalSeconds = 0


              Year = 2020

              DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


          Day = 23

          DayOfWeek = Thursday

          DayOfYear = 205

          Hour = 0

          Kind = Utc

          Millisecond = 0

          Minute = 0

          Month = 7

          Second = 0

          Ticks = 637310592000000000

          TimeOfDay =

            class TimeSpan


              Ticks = 0

              Days = 0

              Hours = 0

              Milliseconds = 0

              Minutes = 0

              Seconds = 0

              TotalDays = 0

              TotalHours = 0

              TotalMilliseconds = 0

              TotalMinutes = 0

              TotalSeconds = 0


          Year = 2020

          DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 12:00:00 AM


      Day = 23

      DayOfWeek = Thursday

      DayOfYear = 205

      Hour = 10

      Kind = Utc

      Millisecond = 990

      Minute = 38

      Month = 7

      Second = 29

      Ticks = 637310975099901090

      TimeOfDay =

        class TimeSpan


          Ticks = 383099901090

          Days = 0

          Hours = 10

          Milliseconds = 990

          Minutes = 38

          Seconds = 29

          TotalDays = 0.443402663298611

          TotalHours = 10.6416639191667

          TotalMilliseconds = 38309990.109

          TotalMinutes = 638.49983515

          TotalSeconds = 38309.990109


      Year = 2020

      DateTime = Thursday, July 23, 2020 10:38:29 AM


  CompleteTime =

  EventChainId = 685800000

  ChangeTag =

  ParentTaskKey =

  RootTaskKey =

  ActivationId =

  LinkedView =


Name                           Value

----                           -----

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

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task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

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task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

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task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

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task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

task                           VMware.Vim.Task

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Exception calling "UpdateViewData" with "0" argument(s): "The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted

or has not been completely created"

At C:\My Data\Working\windowsupdateprototypescript_Workingfinal04.ps1:106 char:1

+ $task.UpdateViewData()

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : VimException

Waiting for GuestOperationsReady to be true on SEH04_Win2k8_r2_std_64bit

Performing Invoke Operation on SEH04_Win2k8_r2_std_64bit

Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos
Jump to solution

So it is a Server Side Task after all.

The issue seems to be caused by the Task object that is obsolete when the task ended.
Let me check if there is a way to add a test for that, before calling UpdateViewData.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos
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Ok Thanks LucD.

Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos
Jump to solution

One more thing I’m suspected after looking the below lines from transcript file.

VMware tools update task is completed and script is not going to next line until timeout is completed. which I showed on my previous reply with screenshot. So might be the task object got deleted. And it’s still trying to find it.

The object 'vim.Task:task-975776' has already been deleted or

has not been completely created"

Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos
Jump to solution

I think I found what is happening.
The condition in the Where-clause is incorrect.
There are 2 conditions to stay inside the Where loop:

  1. The timeout has not yet experied
  2. The task is queued or running

Instead of the -or, those conditions should be combined with an -and

$task = Get-View -Id (Update-Tools -VM $vmName -NoReboot  -RunAsync).Id

while((New-TimeSpan -Start $start -End (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds -lt $timeoutSeconds -and

    ($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running -or

    $task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::queued)){

    Sleep 5



if($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::running){



elseif($task.Info.State -eq [VMware.Vim.TaskInfoState]::error){

    Write-Error "Update Tools failed"


Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

0 Kudos
Jump to solution

Sorry for late response. It worked after replacing the condition in where-clause.

Regards Vineeth.K
0 Kudos