VMware Cloud Community

Invoke-VMScript / Execute local CMDs

I would like to fire up a couple of localy stored *.cmd files on a newly deployed server. Can I solve it like this? Also, how can I

make the vm to reboot after every execution of the both cmd:s?

### DEFINE POWERSHELL SCRIPTS TO RUN IN VM AFTER DEPLOYMENT ############################################################################################################

if ($IP) {

Add-Script "New-NetIPAddress -IPAddress $IP -PrefixLength 16 -DefaultGateway $GW -InterfaceIndex (Get-NetAdapter).InterfaceIndex"


$script = "C:\Automation\script1.cmd"

$script = "C:\Automation\script2.cmd"

### DEPLOY VM ###############################################################################################################################################################

Write-Host "Deploying Virtual Machine with Name: [$Hostname] using Template: [$SourceVMTemplate] and Customization Specification: [$SourceCustomSpec] on cluster: [$cluster]"

$vm = New-VM -Name $Hostname -Template $SourceVMTemplate -ResourcePool $cluster -OSCustomizationSpec $SourceCustomSpec -Location $Location -Datastore $Datastore -DiskStorageFormat $DiskStorageFormat

Set-VM -VM $vm -NumCpu $CPU -MemoryGB $Memory -Confirm:$false

Get-VM $Hostname | Get-HardDisk | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "Hard Disk 1"} | Set-HardDisk -CapacityGB $DiskCapacity -Confirm:$false

if($diskSizes.Count -gt 0){

  $diskSizes | %{

    New-HardDisk -VM $vm -CapacityGB $_ -StorageFormat Thin | New-ScsiController -Type ParaVirtual -Confirm:$false



Write-Host "Virtual Machine $Hostname Deployed. Powering On"

Start-VM -VM $Hostname

if (-not (Check-CustomizationStarted $Hostname)) { break }; if (-not (Check-CustomizatonFinished $Hostname)) { break }

foreach ($script in $scripts)


    Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $script[0] -VM $Hostname -GuestCredential $VMLocalCredential


New-TagAssignment -Entity $vm -Tag DailyBackup

Restart-VM $Hostname

### END OF SCRIPT ##############################

Write-Host "Deployment of VM $Hostname is finished"

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1 Reply

Yes, you can use the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet for that.

You can use the Restart-VMGuest cmdlet inside your foreach loop after each Invoke-VMScript to restart the VM.

Just make sure to only continue after the VMware Tools are ready again.

See for example Re: Windows server cloning, how to automate joining domain how to test for this in a loop.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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