VMware Cloud Community

VIO 6 Upgrade

I am upgrading from VIO and completed step 10 of the migration procedure. However, after running the commands, the deployment never started...

10. Apply the upgrade configuration file to the new VMware Integrated OpenStack deployment.

kubectl -n openstack apply -f restore.yaml

This was the output of the two kubectl commands.

root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# kubectl -n openstack create -f cluster.yaml

secret/managedpasswords created

viocluster.vio.vmware.com/cluster1 created

viomachineset.vio.vmware.com/manager1 created

viomachineset.vio.vmware.com/controller1 created

vcenter.vio.vmware.com/vcenter1 created

nsx.vio.vmware.com/nsx1 created

viosecret.vio.vmware.com/viosecret1 created

root@photon-machine [ ~ ]# kubectl -n openstack apply -f restore.yaml

restorationrequest.vio.vmware.com/restorationrequest1 created

I don't see any of the pods in an error state.

Is there a step missing from the documentation to kick off the deployment? Am I missing something?

Thank you

5 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

The last command triggers restoration process and deployment should start in the background.

Can you check 'viocli get deployment'? If it does not show system in Running state, please use 'kubectl -n openstack get pods' to check pods' status. You can start with pods with name starting with 'restore-' to see if the restoration is successful.

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Thanks for the response. 'viocli get deployment' did not show any running states. Also there were no pods that started with 'restore-' in their names. I went ahead and deleted the vio 6 appliance, redeployed the appliance, and tried the migration again. This time the deployment kicked off and the 3 controllers were built. However, no openstack services seemed to start. using 'viocli get deployment' yielded `no objects of kind OSDeployment found in the namespace openstack`. 'kubectl -n openstack get pods showed all containers either running or completed. Again, no pods with a name similar to 'restore-'.

root@photon-machine [ ~/.ssh ]# kubectl -n openstack get pods

NAME                                                              READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE

cluster-controller-bbcdf45df-vmdrh                                1/1     Running     0          102m

create-viocluster-cluster1-13e8073e-0a88-11ea-aaae-005056b89bx9   0/1     Completed   0          49m

fluentbit-2wv64                                                   1/1     Running     0          100m

fluentbit-7km9r                                                   1/1     Running     0          45m

fluentbit-gdfrw                                                   1/1     Running     0          46m

fluentbit-hcf2h                                                   1/1     Running     0          48m

fluentd-htsvk                                                     1/1     Running     0          45m

fluentd-lh5kh                                                     1/1     Running     0          46m

fluentd-x6nc5                                                     1/1     Running     0          48m

fluentd-z99nl                                                     1/1     Running     0          100m

helm-fluent-logging-fluent-logging-l6l4zmd66m-8d8c4               0/1     Completed   0          100m

license-controller-7d86788f99-bmc5f                               1/1     Running     0          102m

openstack-controller-7b4c99f5c9-q9vgm                             1/1     Running     0          102m

patching-controller-95576f764-2cv4r                               1/1     Running     0          103m

rnb-controller-77df6d7dbc-2vh9j                                   2/2     Running     0          102m

status-controller-7c7cfdfdfb-5mt6z                                2/2     Running     0          102m

valid-viocluster-cluster1-13e8073e-0a88-11ea-aaae-005056b22mbjj   0/1     Completed   0          49m

valid-viomachineset-controller1-pcwjr8scdg-jslnv                  0/1     Completed   0          50m

valid-viomachineset-manager1-ch2b8tx5jb-w7mpk                     0/1     Completed   0          50m

Each pod mentions 'unable to sync key' of various types. I verified that the upgrade.tar.gz was in the VIO content library.

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

Did you run 'kubectl -n openstack apply -f restore.yaml' this time?

If so, please run 'kubectl -n openstack get restorationrequests' to see if a restorationRequest CR exists.

If so, check logs of rnb-controller-xxx pod for any errors.

0 Kudos

Yes I did run 'kubectl -n openstack apply -f restore.yaml' again with the same negative effect.

I checked for the restorationReqest CR and it was present. No matter what i do the cluster deployment doesn't kick off.

I have deleted the VIO 6 vapp and started over from scratch several times now each time going exactly by the procedure.

There are no overt errors in rnb-controller, it only says '{"state":"WAITING FOR CONTROLLERS","conditions":null}'. Which makes sense, since the controllers don't build.

VMware Employee
VMware Employee

In update 2, you said 3 controllers were built. So each run may reach different state. If you see controller VMs present from vCenter, you can check 'kubectl get nodes' to see if the controllers join K8s cluster successfully. If the time on controller VMs are not synced, they will not be able to join K8s cluster.

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