VMware Cloud Community

vRA resource action inputs

Hi, I have created a custom resource action to increase CPU and Memory on a virtual machine. It has input parameters as 'newCpuCount' and 'newMemorySizeInMB'. I am trying to make this call from a REST application using below data but request is failing

"data": {

        "provider-__ASD_PRESENTATION_INSTANCE": null,

         "newCpuCount": 2,



One or more payload literals match workflow input parameter(s) by name, but mismatch it/them by type. com.vmware.vcac.platform.content.literals.StringLiteral cannot be cast to com.vmware.vcac.platform.content.literals.NumericLiteral

But if I make the same by appending 'provider-' to each field, it works fine. Can someone tell me if this is required or I am doing it wrong?

"data": {

        "provider-__ASD_PRESENTATION_INSTANCE": null,

        "provider-newCpuCount": 2,

        "provider-newMemorySizeInMB": 8192.




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