VMware Cloud Community

vCenter 5.5 to 6.5 Migration Assistant Error

Trying to update a physical 5.5 instance to VCSA 6.5 with the migration assistant and I'm receiving the following error:

Running Prechecks...

Prechecks reported the following errors/warnings:

Error: Unable to fetch or parse VC URL from vCenter ServiceInstance!

Resolution: VC URL in vCenter ServiceInstance is unreadable. The vCenter Service may not be reachable. Please contact customer support and submit

a support bundle.

Looking in the generated support bundle/logs I'm seeing the following (hostname's redacted):

2019-06-18T17:28:51.407Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.153Z INFO service_manager Executing command '['%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%\\bin\\service-control.bat', '--list']'

2019-06-18T17:28:51.407Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.177Z WARNING transport.local BAD REQUEST: Cannot execute ['%VMWARE_CIS_HOME%\\bin\\service-control.bat', '--list']. Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

2019-06-18T17:28:51.407Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.177Z ERROR service_manager VMware services could not be extracted as the service-control is not present.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.408Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: Traceback (most recent call last):

2019-06-18T17:28:51.408Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:   File "C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\libs\sdk\service_manager.py", line 500, in _getVMwareServices

2019-06-18T17:28:51.408Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:     result = _execCommand(compAssist, command)

2019-06-18T17:28:51.410Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:   File "C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\libs\sdk\service_manager.py", line 451, in _execCommand

2019-06-18T17:28:51.410Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:     localStderr=stderrFilename)

2019-06-18T17:28:51.411Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:   File "C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\libs\sdk\component_assistant.py", line 299, in execCommand

2019-06-18T17:28:51.411Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements:     raise _convertToComponentAssistantError(e)

2019-06-18T17:28:51.411Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: ComponentAssistantError

2019-06-18T17:28:51.411Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.213Z INFO __main__ Context file C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\upgrade_working_directory\system-data\upgrade-com.vmware.vco-upgradeContext does not exist. Use default context

2019-06-18T17:28:51.411Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.214Z INFO extensions Found upgrade phase <module 'vco' from 'C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\payload\component-scripts\vco\__init__.py'>:CollectRequirements'

2019-06-18T17:28:51.413Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.214Z INFO extensions Executing upgrade phase '<module 'vco' from 'C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\payload\component-scripts\vco\__init__.py'>:CollectRequirements' with context {u'resourceDir': u'C:\\migFAB6.tmp\\PFiles\\VMware\\CIS\\cis_upgrade_runner\\upgrade_working_directory', u'sourceSsoPassword': 'CENSORED', u'locale': u'en', u'destinationPlatform': u'Linux', u'destinationVcVersion': u'6.1', u'systemExportDir': u'C:\\migFAB6.tmp\\PFiles\\VMware\\CIS\\cis_upgrade_runner\\upgrade_working_directory\\system-data', u'sourcePlatform': u'Windows', 'logDir': u'C:\\Users\\DHancock\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\vcsMigration', u'sourceVcVersion': u'5.5', u'sourceSsoVersion': u'5.5', u'vcdb.migrateSet': u'all', u'destinationSsoVersion': u'6.1', u'sourceSsoUsername': None}.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.413Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.216Z INFO vco Source vCO found at C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Orchestrator with version

2019-06-18T17:28:51.414Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.216Z INFO vco Collect size of installed plugins in C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\Orchestrator\app-server\plugins

2019-06-18T17:28:51.414Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.219Z INFO vco o11nplugin-ad.dar: 396.49 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.414Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.219Z INFO vco o11nplugin-amqp.dar: 4097.81 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.414Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-configurator.dar: 4318.07 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.414Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-database.dar: 588.46 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.415Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-dynamictypes.dar: 136.82 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.415Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-enums.dar: 8.11 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.417Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-jakartacommonsnet.dar: 267.87 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.417Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-library.dar: 1945.06 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.417Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-mail.dar: 1147.94 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.417Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-multi-node.dar: 4412.77 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.417Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.220Z INFO vco o11nplugin-powershell.dar: 2727.74 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.418Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.221Z INFO vco o11nplugin-rest.dar: 20370.95 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.418Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.221Z INFO vco o11nplugin-snmp.dar: 4571.71 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.418Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.221Z INFO vco o11nplugin-soap.dar: 7837.48 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.420Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.221Z INFO vco o11nplugin-ssh.dar: 12283.87 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.420Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.221Z INFO vco o11nplugin-vsphere.dar: 34195.58 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.420Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.223Z INFO vco o11nplugin-weboperator.dar: 106.01 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.420Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.223Z INFO vco o11nplugin-wfdocs.dar: 1994.46 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.420Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.223Z INFO vco o11nplugin-xml.dar: 34.94 KB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.421Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.223Z INFO vco Total size of the installed plugins 99.06 MB

2019-06-18T17:28:51.421Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.223Z INFO extensions The component script returned '<component_requirements.UpgradeRequirementsSpec object at 0x0000000003250588>'

2019-06-18T17:28:51.421Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: Script completed for 3.41899991035 secs with return-code='0', and executionId=8510fa35-99ef-490b-8c5a-aa66ce2340c6

2019-06-18T17:28:51.426Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: Remote Command Returned: <component_requirements.UpgradeRequirementsSpec object at 0x000000000816A710>

2019-06-18T17:28:51.426Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vco:CollectRequirements: Completed successfully.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.447Z INFO wf.wf_processor State CollectRequirements com.vmware.vco has succeeded.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.453Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements:

2019-06-18T17:28:51.453Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.244Z INFO __main__ Context file C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\upgrade_working_directory\system-data\upgrade-com.vmware.vpxd-upgradeContext does not exist. Use default context

2019-06-18T17:28:51.453Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.244Z INFO extensions Found upgrade phase <module 'vpxd' from 'C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\payload\component-scripts\vpxd\__init__.py'>:CollectRequirements'

2019-06-18T17:28:51.454Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:49.246Z INFO extensions Executing upgrade phase '<module 'vpxd' from 'C:\migFAB6.tmp\PFiles\VMware\CIS\cis_upgrade_runner\payload\component-scripts\vpxd\__init__.py'>:CollectRequirements' with context {u'resourceDir': u'C:\\migFAB6.tmp\\PFiles\\VMware\\CIS\\cis_upgrade_runner\\upgrade_working_directory', u'sourceSsoPassword': 'CENSORED', u'locale': u'en', u'destinationPlatform': u'Linux', u'destinationVcVersion': u'6.1', u'systemExportDir': u'C:\\migFAB6.tmp\\PFiles\\VMware\\CIS\\cis_upgrade_runner\\upgrade_working_directory\\system-data', u'sourcePlatform': u'Windows', 'logDir': u'C:\\Users\\DHancock\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\vcsMigration', u'sourceVcVersion': u'5.5', u'sourceSsoVersion': u'5.5', u'vcdb.migrateSet': u'all', u'destinationSsoVersion': u'6.1', u'sourceSsoUsername': None}.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.454Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.372Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Version' Value: 3

2019-06-18T17:28:51.456Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Issuer' Value: O=VMware, Inc., OU=VMware, Inc., CN=vcenter.domain.local/emailAddress=support@vmware.com

2019-06-18T17:28:51.456Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Not After' Value: Apr  7 20:29:45 2022 GMT

2019-06-18T17:28:51.457Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Subject' Value: O=VMware, Inc., OU=VMware, Inc., CN=vcenter.domain.local/emailAddress=support@vmware.com

2019-06-18T17:28:51.457Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Public Key' Value: 2048

2019-06-18T17:28:51.457Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'CA' Value: FALSE

2019-06-18T17:28:51.457Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.378Z INFO vpxd_export Patched End Date: Apr 07 20:29:45 2022 GMT

2019-06-18T17:28:51.457Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.380Z INFO vpxd_export Returning Cert X509 version is not 3 - False for version 3

2019-06-18T17:28:51.459Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.380Z INFO vpxd_export Need to Preserve CACert - False

2019-06-18T17:28:51.459Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.380Z INFO vpxd_export Returning Cert is Self Signed: True for Issuer O=VMware, Inc., OU=VMware, Inc., CN=vcenter.domain.local/emailAddress=support@vmware.com and Subject O=VMware, Inc., OU=VMware, Inc., CN=vcenter.domain.local/emailAddress=support@vmware.com and CA - false

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.417Z INFO vpxd_export Returning Cert Expired False for End Date: Apr 07 20:29:45 2022 GMT

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.417Z INFO vpxd_export Returning Cert Key length not 2048 False with key length: 2048

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.417Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'CN' Value: vcenter.domain.local

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.417Z INFO vpxd_export Got Subject CN vcenter.domain.local

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.502Z INFO vpxd_export Subject CN vcenter.domain.local is a valid DNS entry with IP  

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'Subject Alternative Name' Value:

2019-06-18T17:28:51.460Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Got Line 'DNS:vcenter.domain.local'

2019-06-18T17:28:51.461Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Got 'DNS' Value: vcenter.domain.local

2019-06-18T17:28:51.461Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Returning Cert Host DNS: vcenter.domain.local

2019-06-18T17:28:51.463Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Cert has no Host IPv4 entries

2019-06-18T17:28:51.463Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z WARNING vpxd_export VPXD Certificate is invalid and will be replaced.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.463Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z WARNING vpxd_export Certificate Req Mismatch Errors or Warnings present.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.463Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Heartbeat port from registry is 902

2019-06-18T17:28:51.464Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Http and Https port from registry are 80, 443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.464Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Found SDK Node with port 8085

2019-06-18T17:28:51.464Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.503Z INFO vpxd_export Found SDKTunnel Node with port 8089

2019-06-18T17:28:51.466Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.505Z INFO vpxd_export VPXD Source ports are: ['8085', '8089', u'80', u'443', '389', '636', u'902']

2019-06-18T17:28:51.466Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.505Z INFO vpxd_export VPXD Destination Ports are: ['8085', '8089', u'80', u'443'], 902

2019-06-18T17:28:51.467Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.505Z INFO vpxd_export SSO Admin Uri: https://vcenter.domain.local:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local

2019-06-18T17:28:51.467Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.505Z INFO vpxd_export SSO Extra Arguments are {'vpxd.sso.port': '7444', 'vpxd.sso.host': 'vcenter.domain.local', 'vpxd.sso.admin.url': 'https://vcenter.domain.local:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local', 'vpxd.sso.sts.url': 'https://vcenter.domain.local:7444/sts/STSService/vsphere.local', 'vpxd.sso.group.url': 'https://vcenter.domain.local:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local'}

2019-06-18T17:28:51.467Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export Using WebClient registry path

2019-06-18T17:28:51.467Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export WebClient Https port from registry: 9443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.467Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export Using 5.5 WebClient config path

2019-06-18T17:28:51.469Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export Using WebClient config path C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphereWebClient\server\configuration\tomcat-server.xml

2019-06-18T17:28:51.469Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export WebClient Https port from config file: 9443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.470Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export Webclient Https port: 9443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.470Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.506Z INFO vpxd_export WebClient Source ports are: [u'9443']

2019-06-18T17:28:51.470Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.509Z INFO vc_connector Proxy http port is configured to: 80

2019-06-18T17:28:51.470Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.509Z INFO vc_connector Proxy https port is configured to: 443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.470Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.940Z ERROR vpxd_export Exception: 302 Moved Temporarily. Unable to fetch or parse VCenter URL from Services List.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.471Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.940Z ERROR vpxd_export VC Hostname Req Mismatch Error Spec present.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.471Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.941Z INFO vc_connector Proxy http port is configured to: 80

2019-06-18T17:28:51.473Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:50.941Z INFO vc_connector Proxy https port is configured to: 443

2019-06-18T17:28:51.473Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:51.371Z ERROR vpxd_export Exception 302 Moved Temporarily getting Extension information

2019-06-18T17:28:51.473Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:51.371Z INFO vpxd_export No external extensions found.

2019-06-18T17:28:51.473Z INFO upgrade.states.component_states vpxd:CollectRequirements: 2019-06-18T17:28:51.371Z INFO vpxd_export Checking for Host Profiles.

HTTP/HTTPS proxy ports are default 80/443 and the web client is reachable @ https://vcenter.domain.local:9443/vpshere-webclient/. I can hit the above listed ports locally ( and the network IP with no issues and firewall has been disabled. Not sure where the 'vpxd_export Exception 302 Moved ..." error is coming from.

Trying to understand the error(s) and how to resolve this issue. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

0 Kudos
13 Replies

Can you please confirm the vpxd services are up and running fine on 5.5 ?

Are you able to login to Thick Client and Web Client ?



0 Kudos

Services appear to be running (and I've stopped/started them and retried the migration assistant with the same error):

Status   Name               DisplayName

------   ----               -----------


Running  vCOConfiguration   VMware vCenter Orchestrator Configu...

Running  vctomcat           VMware VirtualCenter Management Web...

Running  VGAuthService      VMware Alias Manager and Ticket Ser...

Running  vimPBSM            VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Stora...

Running  vimQueryService    VMware vCenter Inventory Service

Running  VMTools            VMware Tools

Running  VMUSBArbService    VMware USB Arbitration Service

Stopped  vmvss              VMware Snapshot Provider

Running  VMWareCertifica... VMware Certificate Service

Running  vmware-converte... VMware vCenter Converter Standalone...

Running  vmware-converte... VMware vCenter Converter Standalone...

Running  vmware-converte... VMware vCenter Converter Standalone...

Running  VMwareDirectory... VMware Directory Service

Running  VMwareIdentityM... VMware Identity Management Service

Running  VMwareKdcService   VMware Kdc Service

Running  vmwarelogbrowser   VMware Log Browser

Running  VMwareOrchestrator VMware vCenter Orchestrator Server

Running  VMwareSTS          VMware Secure Token Service

Running  vmware-ufad-vci    VMware vSphere Update Manager Service

Running  vmware-vum-ufa     VMware vSphere Update Manager UFA S...

Running  vpxd               VMware VirtualCenter Server

Running  vspherewebclien... VMware vSphere Web Client

I can login to the web client and the thick client with no issues and day-to-day operations (VM editing, creation, migration, etc) are completely unaffected. Not really sure where the "302 permanently moved" error is coming from or why the migration assistant is failing.

0 Kudos

Any other ideas for this? Still facing the same problem.

0 Kudos

SSO is embedded or external ?

VUM is with vcenter server or separate ?

vcenter server build number ?

Rajeev Chauhan
Please mark help full or correct if my answer is use full for you
0 Kudos

Embedded PCS/SSO

VUM was installed on the server but removed (per Migrating vCenter Server for Windows to vCenter Server Appliance )

vCenter Server 5.5 Update 3b

$Global:DefaultVIServers | select Name, Version, Build

Name        Version Build

----        ------- -----

<IP>     5.5.0   3252642

0 Kudos

Embedded PSC 5.5 U3B will not support for this version

First upgrade 5.5 to 6.0 U1a then 6.0 u3b and U3D

Then migrate it on vcsa..

VMware Product Interoperability Matrices

Upgrades or migration of vCenter Server earlier than 5.5 Update 3b when the environment is with an external vCenter Single Sign-On to vCenter Server 6.5 Update 1 with an external Platform Services Controller are unsupported. Also see Release Notes.

For vCenter Server 6.5 U2 onwards, applies to vCenter Server as well as to Update Manager

Rajeev Chauhan
Please mark help full or correct if my answer is use full for you
0 Kudos

Thanks for the reply RajeevVCP4​. Sorry for the late response (holiday weekend).

I'm confused by your note as it seems to indicate that external PSC/SSO is not supported for the migration to 6.5 VCSA. In our case, PSC/SSO is embedded and should fall under the scope for the migration assistant. Further more, I have actually tested/completed this migration process previously. Migration assistant was able to successfully complete (pulling performance data, SSL cert, etc) from our 5.5 physical server and create a 6.5 VA. There were some issues with the new SSL cert and DNS on the 6.5 VA so I opted to delete the VA, start up the 5.5 server, and attempt the migration assistant again. The second run through is producing the vxpd 302 redirect errors.

0 Kudos

revert snap shot and check if all services up and running then try

5.5 to 6.0 U1a then 6.0 u3b it will work some time embedded sso have this issue too

Rajeev Chauhan
Please mark help full or correct if my answer is use full for you
0 Kudos

RajeevVCP4​ no snapshot was taken to revert to (unfortunately).

5.5 to 6.0 U1a then 6.0 u3b it will work

Will proceed with this. Hopefully will solve the issue.

Thank you for the assistance!

0 Kudos

RajeevVCP4​ unfortunately, the same error has manifested with the 5.5 to 6.0 U1a upgrade.


2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Database settings: Type='embedded', DSN='', User=''.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Processing pre-upgrade for component com.vmware.vco

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Export disk req: 99 MB, Import disk req: 99 MB.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 8230 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 8280 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 8281 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 8283 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 8287 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Processing pre-upgrade for component com.vmware.is

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Export disk req: 209 MB, Import disk req: 314 MB.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 10080 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 10443 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.772-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 10111 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.773-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Adding 10109 as a whitelisted port.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.773-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Ignoring destination port invsvc.int.http because it is not an external port

2019-07-24 15:45:51.773-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Processing pre-upgrade for component upgrade_framework

2019-07-24 15:45:51.773-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: ParsePreUpgradeOutput: Export disk req: 0 MB, Import disk req: 0 MB.

2019-07-24 15:45:51.773-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: PitCA_MessageBox: Displaying message: "Error: Unable to fetch or parse VC URL from vCenter ServiceInstance!

Resolution: VC URL in vCenter ServiceInstance is unreadable. The vCenter Service may not be reachable. Please contact customer support and submit a support bundle."

2019-07-24 15:47:26.581-04:00| vcsInstUtil-3018519| I: Leaving function: ParsePreUpgradeOutput


2019-07-24T19:44:23.138Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Cert has no Host IPv4 entries

2019-07-24T19:44:23.138Z WARNING vpxd.vpxd_export VPXD Certificate is invalid and will be replaced.

2019-07-24T19:44:23.138Z WARNING vpxd.vpxd_export Certificate Req Mismatch Errors or Warnings present.

2019-07-24T19:44:23.138Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Heartbeat port from registry is 902

2019-07-24T19:44:23.141Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Http and Https port from registry are 80, 443

2019-07-24T19:44:23.142Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Found SDK Node with port 8085

2019-07-24T19:44:23.142Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Found SDKTunnel Node with port 8089

2019-07-24T19:44:23.142Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export VPXD Source ports are: ['8085', '8089', u'80', u'443', '389', '636', u'902']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.142Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export VPXD Destination Ports are: ['8085', '8089', u'80', u'443'], 902

2019-07-24T19:44:23.144Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export SSO Admin Uri: https://FQDN:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local

2019-07-24T19:44:23.144Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export SSO Extra Arguments are {'vpxd.sso.port': '7444', 'vpxd.sso.host': 'FQDN', 'vpxd.sso.admin.url': 'https://FQDN:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local', 'vpxd.sso.sts.url': 'https://FQDN:7444/sts/STSService/vsphere.local', 'vpxd.sso.group.url': 'FQDN:7444/sso-adminserver/sdk/vsphere.local'}

2019-07-24T19:44:23.144Z ERROR transport.local NOT FOUND: Cannot read registry. Error: [Error 2] The system cannot find the file specified

2019-07-24T19:44:23.144Z WARNING vpxd.vpxd_export Exception  reading Netdumper port from registry.

2019-07-24T19:44:23.145Z WARNING vpxd.vpxd_export Netdumper 'NotInstalled'. Netdumper config file C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware ESXi Dump Collector\vmconfig-netdump.xml does not exist!

2019-07-24T19:44:23.145Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Netdumper Source ports are: []

2019-07-24T19:44:23.145Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Using WebClient registry path

2019-07-24T19:44:23.148Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export WebClient ports from registry: [u'9443', u'9090', u'9011']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.148Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Using 5.5 WebClient config path

2019-07-24T19:44:23.148Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Using WebClient config path C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphereWebClient\server\configuration\tomcat-server.xml

2019-07-24T19:44:23.148Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export WebClient ports from config file: ['9443', '9090', '9011']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.148Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Webclient ports: [u'9443', u'9090', u'9011']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.150Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export WebClient Source ports are: [u'9443', u'9090', u'9011']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.150Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export SPS Source ports : ['31010', '31100']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.151Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export PBM Source ports : ['8190', '8191']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.151Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export SMS Source ports : ['32010', '32100']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.151Z INFO vpxd.vpxd_export Consolidated SPS service ports : ['31010', '31100', '8190', '8191', '32010', '32100']

2019-07-24T19:44:23.157Z INFO vc_connector Vpxd http port is configured to: 80

2019-07-24T19:44:23.157Z INFO vc_connector Vpxd https port is configured to: 443

2019-07-24T19:44:23.611Z ERROR vpxd.vpxd_export Exception: 302 Moved Temporarily. Unable to fetch or parse VCenter URL from Services List.

2019-07-24T19:44:23.612Z ERROR vpxd.vpxd_export VC Hostname Req Mismatch Error Spec present.

Again, I'm baffled to where this "302 Moved Temporarily" and "VC Hostname Req Mismatch" errors are coming from but I'm not able to proceed with the 6.0 U1a upgrade

0 Kudos

Can you please check the hostname resolution for VC FQDN and match it to the vCenter Certificate SAN name ? I think they are different .



0 Kudos

This is the webclient SSL cert? Or is there another cert that I should check and verify?

From the 5.5 vCenter server (embedded PCS), connected with openssl and dumped the SSL cert chain (from the web client @ https://<FQDN>:9443). Opened it in Windows cert manager and verified that the FQDN was correct and that the cert had not expired (expires 2022). Also from the vCenter server, checked by pinging the FQDN to ensure that the IP resolves correctly. I even manually edited the Window's host file to include the IP and FQDN.

0 Kudos

I was unable to determine the root cause for the weird VXPD/302 errors and opted instead to provision a new 6.5 vCenter appliance and manually migrating over the ESXi hosts. This required a bit more work (initial setup of vCenter, replication of permission/folders/etc, temporarily breaking HA) but as we do not have any distributed switches or DRS/resource pools, manual migration was the best route the get the issue resolved.

Thanks for you help

0 Kudos