VMware Networking Community

Python NSX-T SDK license distribution

Any one know what type of license(Apache, BSD, GPL, e.t.c) is NSX-T Python SDK? The pip-licenses is showing unknown.

(nsxt) ➜  ~ pip-licenses

Name                   Version             License

Automat                0.7.0               MIT

PyHamcrest             1.9.0               New BSD

Twisted                19.2.0              MIT

Werkzeug               0.15.2              BSD-3-Clause

asn1crypto             0.24.0              MIT

attrs                  19.1.0              MIT

certifi                2019.3.9            MPL-2.0

cffi                   1.12.3              MIT

chardet                3.0.4               LGPL

constantly             15.1.0              MIT

cryptography           2.6.1               BSD or Apache License, Version 2.0

enum34                 1.1.6               BSD License

funcsigs               1.0.2               ASL

gnureadline            6.3.8               GNU GPL

hyperlink              19.0.0              MIT

idna                   2.8                 BSD-like

incremental            17.5.0              MIT

ipaddress              1.0.22              Python Software Foundation License

lxml                   4.3.3               BSD

mock                   3.0.5               OSI Approved :: BSD License

nsx-policy-python-sdk  UNKNOWN

nsx-python-sdk  UNKNOWN

pyOpenSSL              19.0.0              Apache License, Version 2.0

pyasn1                 0.4.5               BSD

pyasn1-modules         0.2.5               BSD

pycparser              2.19                BSD

requests               2.21.0              Apache 2.0

requests-mock          1.6.0               Apache-2

service-identity       18.1.0              MIT

simplejson             3.16.0              MIT License

six                    1.12.0              MIT

urllib3                1.24.2              MIT

vapi-common            2.9.0               UNKNOWN

vapi-common-client     2.9.0               UNKNOWN

vapi-runtime           2.9.0               UNKNOWN

0 Kudos
2 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

I may be wrong but is BSD-2

0 Kudos

I also thought it is BSD-2 but want to make sure it's  right license distribution. I will wait someone to confirm.

0 Kudos