VMware Cloud Community

QueryChangedDiskAreas API with changeId fails with FileFault and error Nonmatching change UUID

During incremental change query, we are calling the QueryChangedDiskAreas API with a changeId, it throws a file fault.

The VM's vmware.log doesn't give a clue about the failure, but the failure entries are seen in the ESX hostd.log.

Following is a sample error from the log:

[7EEA1B70 verbose 'Default' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] AdapterServer: target='vim.VirtualMachine:3', method='queryChangedDiskAreas'

[7F240B70 error 'Vmsvc.vm:/vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/MyVM/MyVM.vmx' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Cannot compute changes for disk /vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/MyVM/MyVM_1.vmdk: Nonmatching change UUID.

[7F240B70 info 'Default' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] AdapterServer caught exception: vim.fault.FileFault

[7F240B70 info 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Activation [N5Vmomi10ActivationE:0x7fd9ed58] : Invoke done [queryChangedDiskAreas] on [vim.VirtualMachine:3]

[7F240B70 verbose 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Arg snapshot:

--> 'vim.vm.Snapshot:3-snapshot-3375'

[7F240B70 verbose 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Arg deviceKey:

--> 2001

[7F240B70 verbose 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Arg startOffset:

--> 0

[7F240B70 verbose 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Arg changeId:

--> "52 3b 42 03 b9 4c 9d 4c-00 d2 e2 39 f8 16 c0 b9/684"

[7F240B70 info 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Throw vim.fault.FileFault

[7F240B70 info 'Solo.Vmomi' opID=749a6dd4-1a user=vpxuser:MyDomain\MyUser] Result:

--> (vim.fault.FileFault) {

-->    dynamicType = <unset>,

-->    faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,

-->    file = "/vmfs/volumes/xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/MyVM/MyVM_1.vmdk",

-->    msg = "",

--> }

Please help with a solution. Thanks in advance!

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