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Stop New-hardDisk task/command if task taking more time or hung

I want to a add a new disk to server using powercli. I can able add a disk to server using the below command.

New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Disksize -Datastore $Datastore -StorageFormat EagerZeroedThick.

But some time if datastore having any issues. Disk creation is taking more time or it is hung. And the script is not moving to next VM.

New-Harddisk doesn't have the -RunAsync syntax to go the next command.

I want to wait some time for this task then cancel the task if it exceed the time limit. for this i wrote a script like below but script is not moving to next command until complete the New-Harddisk


$vm = "Test11"

$datastore = "Datastore10"

[int]$Disksize = 200

$CurrentTime = Get-Date

$VmId = (Get-VM -Name $vm).id

$StopWatch = New-Object -TypeName System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch


$I = $null

do {


    If($I -eq 1){            

    $output = New-HardDisk -VM $VM -CapacityGB $Disksize -Datastore $Datastore -StorageFormat EagerZeroedThick

    Write-host " working on disk" -ForegroundColor Green}

    else {}


$Task = Get-Task | Where-Object {$_.ObjectId -eq $VmId -and $_.Name -eq "ReconfigVM_Task" -and ($_.StartTime -gt $CurrentTime)}

$TaskState = $Task.State


} until ($TaskState -eq "Success" -or $TaskState -eq "Error" -or $StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes -ge 1) #Minutes Seconds


if($TaskState -eq "Success")


Write-host " command success"


elseif($TaskState -eq "Error")


Write-host "command Error"}


try{Stop-Task -Task $Task -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Ignore} catch {}

Write-host "task terminated"}

Write-host "working on second server"

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5 Replies

I suspect the  problem might come from the comparison of $CurrentTime with the task-s StartTime.
That will never be exactly the same, so the test will always return $false (and the Do-loop continues).

Leave that comparison out.

Or test that CurrentTime and StartTime are for example maximum 10 seconds apart.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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LucD thanks for response

Main problem is here.

I want to initiate the New-HardDisk command and go to next line, without completing the disk addition task

Disk addition and Get-task in Do loop. But loop is stopping at disk addition, after completing the disk addition task only command goining to next line. Here I don’t want to wait till complete the disk addition task.

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Ok, got it.

Since, as you noticed, there is no RunAsync option for New-HardDisk, you can launch that part in a background job with Start-Job.

Your script just continues after the Start-Job.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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yes I need same kind of RunAsync option for New-HardDisk.

I have tried with start-Job command it is not working for Powercli command in power shell application.

I tried to get more information on Start-job, I have found below is the problem.

Start-Job initiates a new Powershell session which doesn’t have the PowerCLI module loaded and of course is not connected to any vCenter. And it is not taking the variables which created before start-job command.

I fell start-job is only option for me. can you help me how to use the start job here.

I read the below article but it is not working from me 

Easily run PowerCLI commands as jobs 

$j = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {Stop-VM (get-vm test101)}

$jobid = $j.id

$Jstatus =$j.State

sleep 30

If($j.State -ne "Completed"){

Stop-Job -Id $jobid}


From the article i have used the Function Start-PowerCLIJob with below command it is also not working. ($DefaultVIServer is showing the connected VC)

Start-PowerCLIJob -DefaultVIServer $DefaultVIServer -JobName "stopVM" -Module "VMware.VimAutomation.Core","VMware.DeployAutomation" -ScriptBlock {Start-VM (get-vm test101)}

Get-Job "stopVM"

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There are a couple of things to watch out for when using PowerCLI in background jobs.

  • you have to connect to a vSphere server
  • there should not be any interactivity from the job
  • you have to pass data to the background job via the ArgumentList
  • you have to define in the background job which parameters you receive from the calling code

The following is a basic script run as a background job.

Before running the script, make sure you are connected.

The module autoload feature will make sure that the PowerCLI cmdlets are found (without the need to do Import-Module).

$code = {






   Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DisplayDeprecationWarnings $false -Confirm:$false | Out-Null

   Connect-VIServer -Server $Server -Session $SessionId

   Get-VM -Name $VMName


$vmName = 'MyVM'

$sJob = @{

   ScriptBlock = $code

   ArgumentList = $global:DefaultVIServer.Name,$global:DefaultVIServer.SessionId,$vmName


$j = Start-Job @sJob

Receive-Job -Job $j -Wait

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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