VMware Cloud Community

Win2012 and CPU Stolen Time


Sometimes I feel that my virtual guests are running out of the capacity. As I have no access to the ESX itself and somehow I feel even better if I can do the performance measurement from the guest. On the guest there are few performance counters for VMWare:

PS C:\> (Get-Counter -ListSet "VM Processor","VM memory").paths

\VM Processor(*)\Limit in MHz

\VM Processor(*)\Reservation in MHz

\VM Processor(*)\Shares

\VM Processor(*)\CPU stolen time

\VM Processor(*)\% Processor Time



Is there any guidelines for those counters? When we could expect that the host server does not offer service for the guest enought fast? E.g. the "CPU Stolen time" shows on some of the busy servers over 0,040ms values over the minute or even longer time. At the same time the vCPUs are running on hight load.

1 Reply

Hello Petri,

I'm also trying to discover more on that counter by comparing the metrics coming from it to the ones from vCenter.

I plotted the two values on Grafana and I multiplied the VM Processor(*)\CPU stolen time by 60000 (supposing the metric unit is 'minute'). Graphs are "comparable", and it seems to be some relation between them, but I'm not even able to artificially raiser the CPU Ready, so I really can't correlate.

I searched anywhere on the net but have not being able to find any documentation.

Did you find something in the meantime?


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