VMware Communities

Vmware workstation 15.0.0 bug or so conceived?

В отличии от Vmware workstation 12, в Vmware workstation 15.0.0 очень долго обновляется картина (каждые 3-4 сек) в режиме просмотра всех установленyых VM.

Unlike Vmware workstation 12, in Vmware workstation 15.0.0, the picture is updated for a very long time (every 3-4 seconds) in the view mode of all installed VMs.


  Будут ли исправлять это? говорят так и в VMW 14 тоже лагает.

  Will fix it? They say so in VMW 14 also lags.

6 Replies
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

From Workstation 14 including 15, the thumbnail views are not in real time any more and the default refresh interval value is 3000 ms.

You can add

"pref.thumbnailRefreshIntervalMs = 1000" (or other vlaues)

in preference file %appdata%/vmware/preferences.ini to change the refesh rate. But keep in mind that this way may cause high CPU usage.

If you really need the previous real time thumbnail, you can use

pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows =  "false",

But this way may cause mouse/keyboard functions under multi tabs not working well.

Both these settings are not documented or tested, so I cannot guarantee they working normally.


В моем файле preferences.ini нет этих параметров.

in my file preferences.ini no these parameters.

А если я добавляю pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows =  "false" то ничего не меняется.

And if I add pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows = "false" then nothing changes.

.encoding = "windows-1251"

pref.keyboardAndMouse.vmHotKey.enabled = "FALSE"

pref.keyboardAndMouse.vmHotKey.count = "0"

pref.hostMRU.count = "1"

pref.hostMRU0.name = "localhost"

pref.hostMRU0.type = "vim"

pref.hostMRU0.viewtype = "vmView"

pref.ws.session.window.count = "1"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab.count = "5"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.dest = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.file = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.type = "home"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.cnxType = "vmdb"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab0.focused = "FALSE"

pref.ws.session.window0.sidebar = "TRUE"

pref.ws.session.window0.sidebar.width = "200"

pref.ws.session.window0.statusBar = "FALSE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tabs = "FALSE"

pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar = "FALSE"

pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar.size = "100"

pref.ws.session.window0.thumbnailBar.view = "opened-vms"

pref.ws.session.window0.placement.left = "6"

pref.ws.session.window0.placement.top = "56"

pref.ws.session.window0.placement.right = "1504"

pref.ws.session.window0.placement.bottom = "852"

pref.ws.session.window0.maximized = "FALSE"

pref.backgroundOnClose = "TRUE"

pref.enableAllSharedFolders = "TRUE"

pref.defaultVirtualHW.productCompatibility = "esx"

pref.screenCapture.saveToClipboard = "FALSE"

pref.powerOnDelay = "0"

pref.useAeroPeekThumbnails = "FALSE"

pref.componentDownloadPermission.epoch = ""

pref.componentDownloadPermission = "deny"

pref.ws.shareVMEnable = "TRUE"

pref.ws.shareVMLocation = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Shared Virtual Machines\"

vmWizard.guestKey = "windows8-64"

vmWizard.mode = "custom"

vmWizard.installMediaType = "later"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.dest = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.file = "folder:localhost"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.type = "folder"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.cnxType = "vmdb"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab1.focused = "FALSE"

hints.hideAll = "FALSE"

pref.sharedFolder.maxNum = "10"

pref.sharedFolder0.vmPath = "/vm/#0660119f1f1b9292/"

pref.sharedFolder0.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder0.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder0.enabled = "FALSE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab2.cnxType = "vmdb"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab3.cnxType = "vmdb"

pref.sharedFolder1.vmPath = "/vm/#1add8937045c9d07/"

pref.sharedFolder1.guestName = "Desktop"

pref.sharedFolder1.hostPath = "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop"

pref.sharedFolder1.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.hostMRU.saveCredentials = "FALSE"

pref.sharedFolder2.vmPath = "/vm/#27f0c3d992096eca/"

pref.sharedFolder2.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder2.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder2.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab2.dest = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab2.file = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Virtual Machines\Win 7\Win 72.vmx"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab2.type = "vm"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab2.focused = "TRUE"

pref.sharedFolder3.vmPath = "/vm/#3547b8535790774c/"

pref.sharedFolder3.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder3.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder3.enabled = "FALSE"

hint.cui.toolsInfoBar.suppressible = "FALSE"

hint.noLogOutput = "FALSE"

hint.usb.generic.stopDevice = "FALSE"

hint.vmui.poweroff = "FALSE"

hint.vmui.poweroff.soft = "FALSE"

hint.vmui.restart = "FALSE"

hint.vmui.showAllUSBDevs = "FALSE"

hint.vmui.showNewUSBDevs = "FALSE"

pref.commandBar.stretchCombo = "TRUE"

pref.unity.minimizeOnEnteringUnity = "FALSE"

pref.sharedFolder4.vmPath = "/vm/#5e935ec11a240cfa/"

pref.sharedFolder4.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder4.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder4.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab4.cnxType = "vmdb"

pref.sharedFolder5.vmPath = "/vm/#8f2c26a5a46a3284/"

pref.sharedFolder5.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder5.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder5.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.sharedFolder6.vmPath = "/vm/#9a881310593df204/"

pref.sharedFolder6.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder6.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder6.enabled = "FALSE"

pref.sharedFolder7.vmPath = "/vm/#c2bf0c2e2ff5c4aa/"

pref.sharedFolder7.guestName = "D"

pref.sharedFolder7.hostPath = "D:\"

pref.sharedFolder7.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.sharedFolder8.vmPath = "/vm/#c8f8b8847d7b5505/"

pref.sharedFolder8.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder8.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder8.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab3.dest = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab3.file = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Virtual Machines\Win 7 [00]\Win 7 [00].vmx"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab3.type = "vm"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab3.focused = "FALSE"

pref.sharedFolder9.vmPath = "/vm/#e4f02b0b2bc52481/"

pref.sharedFolder9.guestName = "Games"

pref.sharedFolder9.hostPath = "D:\Games\Games"

pref.sharedFolder9.enabled = "TRUE"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab4.dest = ""

pref.ws.session.window0.tab4.file = "C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Virtual Machines\Windows 8.x x64\Windows 8.x x64.vmx"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab4.type = "vm"

pref.ws.session.window0.tab4.focused = "FALSE"

0 Kudos
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

I just tried

pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows = "false"

in my environment and it was working.

You need restart WS after the preference file modification.


У меня работает только pref.thumbnailRefreshIntervalMs = "0" картинка обновляется быстрее но не в реальном времени.

I have works only pref.thumbnailRefreshIntervalMs = "0" the being replaced faster but not in real time.

0 Kudos

У меня долго обновляются миниатюры в библиотеке.

I have long updated thumbnails in the library.

Если  добавляю команду pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows = "false" то обновление в реальном времени работает в эскиз-бар.

If I add the command pref.closeInactiveMKSWindows = "false" then the real-time update works in thumbnail bar.

0 Kudos

Ну что никто не знает как исправить обновление миниатюр в библиотеке?

0 Kudos