VMware Cloud Community

vRA 7.4 - trigger vRO workflow on VM Reprovision, but not on Destroy action

I want to build a service, that is triggered after a vSphere VM is destroyed. When VM Destroy is executed, I need a vRO workflow to run. The parameter values are passed using the Extensibility.Lifecycle.Properties.VMPSMasterWorklow32.Disposing property and an event subscription. However, this event subscription is triggered also, when a server is reprovisioned, since both the Disposing and Provisioning events take place. I could not find a Workflow Subscription Condition that references a reprovision action.

What I want to achieve:

- User executes VM Destroy action: trigger vRO Workflow

- User executes VM Reprovision action: vRO Workflow is not triggered

How can this be done, if at all?

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3 Replies

Reprovision is an action unlike a destroy, so you want to listen for VMPSMasterWorkflow32.Active.EVENT.onReprovision. Then you can write a custom property out to the payload that doesn't trigger your destroy. Look at this thread as an example.

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My main issue is how to find the event, I've already checked the event broker but connot find the correct lifecycle event. Here's what I have available:

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Sorry for the late edit, but there is still one issue I somehow cannot resolve.

So on one side I have the Active event subscriptions, on the other the lifecycle subscriptions.

What I want to achieve is, to run a workflow when the VM is disposed but not, when the disposing takes place as a result of reprovisioning. Following conditions have to be included in the event subscriptions as a result:

topic ID: com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service.machine.lifecycle.provision

All of the following

Data > Lifecycle state > Lifecycle state name     Equals     VMPSMasterWorkflow32.Disposing

Data > Lifecycle state > State phase     Equals     PRE

Data > Machine > Machine type     Equals     Virtual Machine

*a condition that says to NOT trigger the sub when reprovisioning takes place shoud go here*

How can I build an event subscription based on this condition?

AFAIK you cannot mix both needed topics: check for active events (com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service.machine.lifecycle.active)

and check provisioning state (com.vmware.csp.iaas.blueprint.service.machine.lifecycle.provision).

edit: while thinking about the above setup it came to my mind, that I would also need to separate the onProvision trigger from triggering workflows with the VMPSMasterWorkflow32.MachineProvisioned state. Since a new machine is provisioned in course of the reprovisioning action, the provisioning state is triggered too and as a result the day-2 operations run again. However, I do not want to run some of those in case of a reprovisioning action and to achieve this I would need to somehow tell the triggered workflow, that this provisioning state is triggered by a reprovisioning action.

I think the easiest way to reach my goal is to just create a separate subscription for the reprovisioning event and have it write a custom property to the vm, like myOrg.vmIsBeingReprovisioned = true and query this property during workflow runs when a vm is provisioned or disposed.

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