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Looking for inspiration ... Passwords in Scripts

Hey there,

after i install our ESXi hosts and put them into the vcenter i use a powershell script which will do the rest of configuration needed...

One of the points is to create a local readonly esxi User with a password. I dont like to have passwords in my scripts and in this case the script will only run with user interaction.

So in the first case i try to use a simple

$pwd = read-host "Enter a password:"

the problem here is here you can read the password which is provided...

I read  little bit and try..

$pwd = read-host "Enter a password:" -asSecureString

This looks nice in the first step but to avoid password missmatches i fetch the password twice and compare both. In this case $pwd1 & $pwd2 are securestrings and do not match.

Now i try something like...


    $check = "0"

while ($check -eq "0") {

        $encpasswort1 = Read-Host "Please Enter pwd: " -AsSecureString

        $encpasswort2 = Read-Host "again" -AsSecureString

        $password1 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($encpassword1))

        $password2 = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([System.Runtime.InteropServices.marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($encpassword2))


        if ($passwort1 -eq $passwort2) {

            write-host -ForegroundColor Green "Lege Nutzer auf " $esx_Host.Name "an `n"

            $status = Connect-VIServer $esx_Host.Name -User root -wa 0

            $status = New-VMHostAccount -Id $user -Password $passwort1 -Description $desc -UserAccount

            $status = New-VIPermission -Principal $user -Role $role -Entity (Get-Datacenter)

            $status = Disconnect-VIServer $esx_Host.Name -Confirm:$false

            $check = "1"




This works so far but maybe there is a better way...

Maybe to compare to Securestring objects or pass them to an esxi host...

Some ideas would be welcome.


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You can do the following to compare them

$encpasswort1 = Read-Host "Please Enter pwd: " -AsSecureString

$encpasswort2 = Read-Host "again" -AsSecureString

$clearpasswort1 = (New-Object pscredential "user",$encpasswort1).GetNetworkCredential().Password

$clearpasswort2 = (New-Object pscredential "user",$encpasswort2).GetNetworkCredential().Password

$clearpasswort1 -eq $clearpasswort2

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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One simple builtin solution is to use the New-VICredentialStoreItem cmdlet.

You can use the Get-VICredentialStoreItem cmdlet to retrieve user/password information.

This can be used for credentials that have nothing to do with vSphere as well.

Use the Server as a tag for the credentials.

The credentials can only be decrypted by the same user and on the same station where the encryption was done.

Note, since this is based on a Windows encryption/decryption API, it will not work on PowerShell Core.

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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that looks good so far..

the problem is that the Password must be System.String. I have to provide the password in the script or in the cmd. Both would be clear text..

with the readline -asSecurestring command the input is hidden and cant be read.

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You can do the following to compare them

$encpasswort1 = Read-Host "Please Enter pwd: " -AsSecureString

$encpasswort2 = Read-Host "again" -AsSecureString

$clearpasswort1 = (New-Object pscredential "user",$encpasswort1).GetNetworkCredential().Password

$clearpasswort2 = (New-Object pscredential "user",$encpasswort2).GetNetworkCredential().Password

$clearpasswort1 -eq $clearpasswort2

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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