VMware {code} Community

How to delete "Virtual Machines to Hosts" DRS rules using pyvmomi?


I am using the following code to remove a DRS VmHostRule. The vm group and the host group used in the rule do not exist anymore when trying to delete the rule (they were deleted previously).

spec = vim.cluster.ConfigSpecEx()
spec.rulesSpec = []
rules = cluster.configurationEx.rule
if rules:
    for rule in rules:
        if rule.name == "my_rule":
            rule_spec = vim.cluster.RuleSpec()
            rule_spec.operation = "remove"
            rule_spec.removeKey = rule.key
            rule_info = vim.cluster.VmHostRuleInfo()
            rule_info.enabled = rule.enabled
            rule_info.name = rule.name
            rule_info.key = rule.key
            rule_info.mandatory = rule.mandatory
            rule_info.vmGroupName = rule.vmGroupName
            rule_info.affineHostGroupName = rule.affineHostGroupName
            rule_info.userCreated = rule.userCreated
            rule_spec.info = rule_info
if spec.rulesSpec:
        task = cluster.ReconfigureComputeResource_Task(spec, True)
        wait_for_reconfig_tasks(self.content, [task])
    except Exception:
        print("Failed to remove affinity rule")

Sometimes, the code doesn't work and the following result is received:

pyVmomi.VmomiSupport.vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument: (vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument) {
   dynamicType = <unset>,
   dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
   msg = 'A specified parameter was not correct: ',
   faultCause = <unset>,
   faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],
   invalidProperty = <unset>

The vCenter vpxd.log contains the following:

2015-11-09T13:47:00.415Z info vpxd[7F35A15DC700] [Originator@6876 sub=Default opID=206261f7] [VpxLRO] -- ERROR task-30451 -- domain-c822 -- vim.ComputeResource.reconfigureEx: vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument:
 (vmodl.fault.InvalidArgument) {
    faultCause = (vmodl.MethodFault) null,
    invalidProperty = <unset>,
    msg = ""

 Arg spec:
 (vim.cluster.ConfigSpecEx) {
    vmSwapPlacement = <unset>,
    spbmEnabled = <unset>,
    defaultHardwareVersionKey = <unset>,
    dasConfig = (vim.cluster.DasConfigInfo) null,
    drsConfig = (vim.cluster.DrsConfigInfo) null,
    rulesSpec = (vim.cluster.RuleSpec) [
       (vim.cluster.RuleSpec) {
          operation = "remove",
          removeKey = 103,
          info = (vim.cluster.VmHostRuleInfo) {
             key = 103,
             status = <unset>,
             enabled = true,
             name = "my_rule",
             mandatory = true,
             userCreated = <unset>,
             inCompliance = <unset>,
             ruleUuid = <unset>,
             vmGroupName = "vm_group",
             affineHostGroupName = "host_group",
             antiAffineHostGroupName = <unset>
    dpmConfig = (vim.cluster.DpmConfigInfo) null,
    vsanConfig = (vim.vsan.cluster.ConfigInfo) null,
 Arg modify:

The code sometimes works, sometimes returns the above error. Anyone knows what is wrong?



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