VMware Cloud Community

Realtek 8168 in ESXi 6.0

I have ESXi 5.5.0 and i got a driver to my Realtek 8168 Gigabit Ethernet that runs with this versión of ESXi.

i tried to install ESXi Update 2 with same driver and i couldn't. No problem, i dont need new features like new Windows versión support.

But now i need new Windows support that ESXi 6.0 gives us. Then i need to install it.

When i use last versión of ESXi-Customizer (v.2.7.2) it gives me an error that say me my driver file is an old versión.

Then i use CD burned with that driver file and install program say i have no Ethernet device... then i cannot continue install process.

summarizing: I have no idea where to find a more actual device driver to my Realtek 8168. Or what to do. Any idea?

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1 Reply

What kind of system is this? - Dell / HP ? - You might find that your vendor supplies an ESXi ISO install image with the latest drivers already built in.

For example: VMware ESXi 5.5 Image Driver Details | Dell US

Graham | User Moderator | https://virtualg.uk
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