VMware Cloud Community

Configuration Issues (VIrtual machine disks consolidation needed)

Hi All,

We've been running this script for quite sometime and it has worked flawlessly, so i figured i'd leave it here to share.  I'm sure the meat of the script came from this community but we've made a few tweaks.

We run it as a daily task and email the results to our team mailbox.

Hope you enjoy!

remove-item "C:\scripts\SnapshotIssues.txt"

$snapshotissues = "C:\scripts\SnapshotIssues.txt"

#get-vmhost | Where { ($_.extensiondata.configissue | Where { $_.FullFormattedMessage -eq "Virtual machine disks consolidation is needed." })}| Add-Content $snapshotissues

$StuckSnapshot = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.Extensiondata.Runtime.ConsolidationNeeded}

Add-Content $snapshotissues $StuckSnapshot -Confirm:$false

Send-MailMessage -smtp "mysmtp.mydomain.com" -To "me@me.com" -Subject "Stuck Snapshots" -From "vCenter@domain.com" -Attachments $snapshotissues

Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false

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