VMware Cloud Community

List VM properties with VMware PowerCLI

Looking for a script which provides exports the output in the following format (CSV), I did look for some sample script in the forum but the output is different to what I am currently looking  

VM Attribute

VM Name

VM’s with snapshot

Vm1, vm2

VM’s with tools outdate



I have got few more properties to add on to the report, if I can get an example to start with I can give a try.

If you find this or any other answer useful please consider awarding points by marking the answer correct or helpful |Blog: http://aravindsivaraman.com/ | Twitter : ss_aravind
6 Replies

You can use the following example to create the desired report. The code is easily expandable with other properties.

$vm = Get-VM

# VM’s with snapshot

$vms = $vm |

  Where-Object {$_ | Get-Snapshot} |

  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

if ($vms) {$vms = [string]::Join(',', $vms)}


  "VM Attribute" = "VM’s with snapshot"

  "VM Name" = $vms


# VM’s with tools outdate

$vms = $vm |

  Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Summary.Guest.ToolsStatus -ne 'OK'} |

  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

if ($vms) {$vms = [string]::Join(',', $vms)}


  "VM Attribute" = "VM’s with tools outdate"

  "VM Name" = $vms


Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition

The given script is producing the output in the below format

name value
VM AttributeVM's with snapshot
VM Namevm1, vm5,etc..
VM AttributeVM's with tools outdate
VM Namevm2,vm3,etc..

But I am looking for output as below in a CSV file

VM Attribute

VM Name

VM’s with snapshot

Vm1, vm2

VM’s with tools outdate


If you find this or any other answer useful please consider awarding points by marking the answer correct or helpful |Blog: http://aravindsivaraman.com/ | Twitter : ss_aravind
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This should work for you:

$AllReport = @()

Get-VM | foreach {

$vm = $_

$vmReport = "" | Select Name, @{ N="Tools Status"; E={ $vm.extensiondata.guest.toolsStatus -match "Old" } }, @{ N="Snapshot count"; E={ $vm | where { $vm | Get-Snapshot } } }

$vmReport.Name = $vm.name

$vmReport."Tools Status" = $vm.extensiondata.guest.toolsStatus

$vmReport."Snapshot count" = ($vm | Get-Snapshot).count

$AllReport += $vmReport

Write $vmReport

$AllReport | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "c:\Foldername\filename.csv" #CHANGE ME

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Sorry, the code was cut off.

$AllReport = @()

Get-VM | foreach {

$vm = $_

$vmReport = "" | Select Name, @{ N="Tools Status"; E={ $vm.extensiondata.guest.toolsStatus -match "Old" } },

 @{ N="Snapshot count"; E={ $vm | where { $vm | Get-Snapshot } } }

$vmReport.Name = $vm.name

$vmReport."Tools Status" = $vm.extensiondata.guest.toolsStatus

$vmReport."Snapshot count" = ($vm | Get-Snapshot).count

$AllReport += $vmReport

$AllReport | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation "c:\Foldername\filename.csv" #CHANGE ME

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I am using a similar script, but the output which I am looking is different to what which is being currently produced.. Check the previous post for the output I am currently looking..


If you find this or any other answer useful please consider awarding points by marking the answer correct or helpful |Blog: http://aravindsivaraman.com/ | Twitter : ss_aravind
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My previous script is using the [pscustomobject] typecast which is a PowerShell 3.0 feature. You are probably using PowerShell 2.0. I modified the script using the New-Object cmdlet, to make it PowerShell 2.0 compatible.

$vm = Get-VM

# VM’s with snapshot

$vms = $vm |

  Where-Object {$_ | Get-Snapshot} |

  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

if ($vms) {$vms = [string]::Join(',', $vms)}

New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

  "VM Attribute" = "VM’s with snapshot"

  "VM Name" = $vms


# VM’s with tools outdate

$vms = $vm |

  Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Summary.Guest.ToolsStatus -ne 'OK'} |

  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

if ($vms) {$vms = [string]::Join(',', $vms)}

New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{

  "VM Attribute" = "VM’s with tools outdate"

  "VM Name" = $vms


Blog: https://rvdnieuwendijk.com/ | Twitter: @rvdnieuwendijk | Author of: https://www.packtpub.com/virtualization-and-cloud/learning-powercli-second-edition
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