VMware Cloud Community
VMware Employee
VMware Employee

VMmark 2.5.1 Released

Hi All,

VMmark 2.5.1 has been released.

Please note that this is a patch release and it's use requires VMmark 2.5 to already be installed.

VMmark 2.5.1 contains a number of improvements including:

  • Added new PTD user options (AMP, Local_Hostnames, Local_Ports, GPIB).
  • Added simultaneous tile processing to CanceTest script.
  • Improved Reporter script processing and configuration checking.
  • Added new VMMARK2.config timing, reporter, and miscellaneous options.
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes and improved error reporting.

All currently published VMmark 2.0, 2.1 and 2.5 results are comparable to VMmark 2.5.1 results. Beginning on August 6th 2013, any submission of benchmark results must use the VMmark 2.5.1 benchmark kit.  For more information on updates and installation, please see the included ReadMe.txt file.

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