VMware Cloud Community

Convert VMDK to Thick EagerZeroed from command line?


I am unsure what forum to post this under, so if this is not an appropriate place, I appologize.

I'd like to turn on FT for a VM i created in 3.5. The disk is thick, but not eager-zereod.

I know the process should be automagic when I turn on the FT feature (assuming the VM is powered off) but the process seems to time out after many hours of grinding away.

The VM has several disks, a 20 gig system, a 300 GB & a 1.2 TB volume... maybe too large for this?

Anyway.. I was curious.. is there a command-line utility to convert a disk to a thick eager-zero format?

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1 Reply


You can use vmkfstools -k /vmfs/volumes/path/to/vmdk

as the CLI approach to converting an existing vmdk to eagerzeroedthick. I am not sure why this is not documented in the man page.

Check out http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=1008194&sliceId=1

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