VMware Cloud Community

What would you like to see in our documentation? What would you change?

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some feedback about our documentation, please give us your ideas.

What's your opinion of the current state of our documentation? What are we doing well and what should we be doing better?

Are there types of examples that would be most helpful to you?

Would you like to see more discussion about how and when to access the VI API?

Anything else?

Thanks, and we appreciate any input.

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6 Replies

Some initial thoughts:

- the SDK Programming Guide should contain PowerShell examples

- perhaps split the current Management APIs community into separate groups (General, Perl, Java, C#, PowerShell...) or use strict tagging of the posts so it is clear which programming language is used

- the SDK Programming Guide should be extended taking into account the practical questions that pop up regularly in the communities (not only the VITK community)

- reference material, which is now in some appendices, should be published separately and updated more regularly. Like Pablo currently is doing for some of the performance counters.

- perhaps introduce cloud tagging for the communities

- ...

Blog: lucd.info  Twitter: @LucD22  Co-author PowerCLI Reference

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I like LucD's suggestions very much.

My primary vehicle for automating the VMware environment is Powershell, and in that context here are my suggestions:

  1. The VITKW Applet CHM is great. It has more or less what I need for applets, although some of the definitions for newbies is very vague: specifically get-module (what is a module), get-view (a view of what - I know now but that was the hardest concept to grasp).

  2. Although the parameters to the Set- applets gives a hint what properties and methods VITKW objects have, I would have like to have seen a section of the chm devoted to the properties and methods of the VITKW objects. Yes there is Get-Member to see that info, but you can get a better sense of what's possible looking through a document

  3. It would be nice to have an MSDN-like documentation of the .Net classes in the VITKW.

  4. I found the SDK website clunky and very frightening at first read. I had a lot of trouble finding a context for many of the classes, again at first read. Once you know the SDK a bit it become much more usable.

If you are asking about general documentation, I would love to see a clear set of documentation about configuring SSL in VI Infrastructure. There is a hodge-podge of somewhat conflicting/confusing KB articles, and they are fairly silent on configuring SSL for Update Manager and Consolidation Manager, especially when the SQL server is elsewhere and we're following your best practice of using SQL logins rather than integrated logins.

The VUM documentation really needs some technical information to assist troubleshooting. EG: What happens under the covers during Update Signatures? vmware-updateDownloadCLI? How big does the VUM database need to be? What happens when the UM service starts?

Right now, each doc is a separate PDF and you have to watch like a hawk to see if a PDF has been updated. Having a single documentation set bundle which is updated when any one component is updated would simplify downloads for people starting off, and for people who haven't downloaded the docs in a while. I would include the SDK and Tools docs in this doc set. I would also include the doc set and toolsets on the VC images.

I tend to prefer chm's for searching and online use, and pdf's for printing. Not sure whether it's feasible to provide both formats. Likely not, and PDF's are universal.

Hope this helps. Generally, I like the VMware documentation. It is reasonably complete and well formatted.

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1. Samples

2. Samples

3. Samples

Take a look at MSDN documentation for .NET library, almost all entries will have samples in 5 different languages.

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I would agree more samples. The VI Toolkit Cmdlet chm is wonderful, wish the .net documentation was more robust thou. The .net documentation would be much more useful even if only showed very basic examples. I may be wrong but everything the the powershell comlets do can be done via .net code ?? and I would imagine the .net libraries have many features that can't be done via powershell cmdlets(the vi provided cmdlets). I am working with both to automate many vm functions, but 95% of my time is spent discovering things in object explorer and trial and error of what they do....

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I would like to see how to login to a VC using a non standard port. My setup currently listens on tcp_444

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I just updated the FAQ to include steps to connect to a non-default port. It's simple, just add "-port 444" to the end of the Connect-VIServer command.


[PowerShell MVP|https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=5547F213-A069-45F8-B5D1-17E5BD3F362F], VI Toolkit forum moderator

Author of the upcoming book: Managing VMware Infrastructure with PowerShell

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My signature used to be pretty, but then the forum software broked it. vExpert. Microsoft MVP (Windows PowerShell). Author, Podcaster, Speaker. I'm @halr9000
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