Vmware Integrated OpenStack Working Cloud Images

Vmware Integrated OpenStack Working Cloud Images

Hello Everyone

As myself had major issues with cloud images and getting them working so to give something back to everyone in this group I would like to share the cloud images that I have completed which are working with SSH keys injection, images resizing and everything else that allow cloud images to function.

I have the following images available to share for those that are gettings stuck creating VIO images.

Ubuntu 14.04

Ubuntu 16.04

Debian 8

Debian 9

Centos 6

Centos 7

I have also removed the naming convention issues with the centos images so they boot with the normal eth0 name.

I have uploaded the images to my storage on Mega.nz so if anyone needs these images then please ask and I would be happy to share the download link via DM.

Please note that the images have not been modified except for the modifications needed to create the cloud images such as installing cloud-init ect.

I am glad I can at least give something back to the community here as I have been helped by others and it is always good to give back.


Ben McGuire

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎08-22-2017 01:57 AM
Updated by: