what's the PowerCLI commands for the following task?

what's the PowerCLI commands for the following task?


I am a newbie of Vmware. Recently I am asked to  help with Vmware CLI commands, for example:

Create add block devices (datastore or RDM) to VM

Remove block device (datastore or RDM) from VM

Remove datastore

Add datastore

Add vmdk to a VM

Create CIFS share via CLI

Create NFS export via CLI

I installed Vsphere PowerCLI as well as Vsphere CLI on my PC ...

but would you please help point the right commands since there are so many cmdlet.

btw: we are using ESXi 5.0.0.

one the question: can I finish all of the above with only Vsphere PowerCLI? I don't see the cmdlet related to filesystem in Vsphere PowerCLI............

many thanks in advance:smileyplain:


adding block devices to the vm.

-------------- Example 1 --------------

$vm = Get-VM VM

$vm | New-HardDisk -CapacityKB 10000 -Persistence persistent

Adds to the VM virtual machine a new hard disk in a persistent mode with capacity of 1000 KB.

-------------- Example 2 --------------

$deviceName = ($host | Get-ScsiLun | Where {$_.CanonicalName -match "naa"})[0].ConsoleDeviceName

New-HardDisk -VM $vm -DiskType RawPhysical -DeviceName $deviceName

Obtains a valid device name for Raw Disk Mapping. Then the command creates a RDM hard disk for the specified virtual machine, with the obtained device name.

Remove block device from the VM


To add datastore


To remove datastore


Please refer to http://www.vmware.com/support/developer/windowstoolkit/wintk40u1/html/index.html

thanks! Avarude! Smiley Wink

I have a new questio:

Vcenter----->home---->inventory--->host and Clusters, I select an ESX host and ------->configuration----->storage adapter,  we can see many LUNs from storage.

We usually right click the "Name" to change the name to match with what we see in stroage side.

soI am wondering if there is any commans we can change the device name?

I tried get-ScsiLun....but not working.......

would you help please point the right command?

So you would like to change only the DisplayName?  so that's easy.

Get-Datastore -name xxxx | Set-Datastore -name xxx

Best regards


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