vCenter Orchestrator Virtual Appliance user management package

vCenter Orchestrator Virtual Appliance user management package

This package allows to do the following operations on the vCO VA:

  • Create a new user
  • Delete a user
  • Change a user password
  • Add a user to a group

Use cases:

Change the vcoadmin user password.

Create your own user and add it to the vcoadmin group.


import package on your vCO VA and run the configuration workflow with providing the vCO VA credentials. You can now run the user management workflows.

This package is not supported by VMware. Please restrict use to your lab environment.



- Added mandatory fields

- The Workflow changing the user password was updating the vcoadmin configuration element attribute in all cases. Now it check the user is vcoadmin

- The add user to group has now a predefined list of vcousers and vcoadmins groups

Updated again to fix validation issues.

This package has been confirmed as working with vCO GA. Just be sure to follow the instructions in the article here:  Pimp my vCenter Orchestrator Virtual Appliance

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎03-14-2012 02:51 AM
Updated by: