VCB Backup Differential Script

VCB Backup Differential Script

Here is a script that I put together to backup VM on a remote ESXi server of mine. It is setup to run with in a VM using VCB Proxy. This can be changed to use backup over the network using nbdssl if needed.

Any feed back would be great.


'Version 1.0.0

'This script will make a full or differential of VMWare Virtual Machines.


' VCB 1.5 or greater

' 7-zip 4.65 or greater

'To use strVCBTT = hotadd opton you will need to be in a VM and have a VCB-Helper

'Created by: Paul Fuller

'Copyright 2010

'License: GNUv3

Option Explicit


Const strExe7z = "\7-Zip\7z.exe"

Const strExeArgsBase = "a -mx9 -sfx7z.sfx -ssw -bd -t7z -mmt -ms=off"

Const strhost=""

Const strusername="__sspi__"

Const strpassword="aaa"

Const strVMSName="name"

Const strVCBTT = "hotadd"

'Const strVCBTT = "nbdssl"

Const strOutputFolder = "D:\Backup"

Const strBackupfol = "D:\VM_Backups"

Const intForceFull = 7

'**Change options below only of you know what you are doing**

Dim objFileSys

Dim objWshNetwork

Dim objWshShell

Dim objShell

Dim objProgramFiles

Dim objFolder

Dim objFile

Dim strVM

Dim strCmd

Dim strvcbMounter

Dim intDateDiff

Dim log

Dim strArguments

Dim strExe

Call ScriptMode("cscript") 'Call the sub with the script host you want to use(cscript or wscript)

Set objFileSys = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

Set objWshNetwork = CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )

Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

Set objWshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

Set objFolder = objShell.NameSpace(PROGRAM_FILES)

Set objProgramFiles = objFolder.Self

strvcbMounter = Chr(34) & objProgramFiles.path & "\VMware\VMware Consolidated Backup Framework\vcbMounter.exe" & Chr(34)

strExe = objProgramFiles.Path & strExe7z

intDateDiff = -1

'Take VMs as an arguements

If wscript.arguments.count = 0 Then

Wscript.Echo "No VM Specified! Argument count=" & wscript.arguments.count


End If

If Not objFileSys.FileExists(objProgramFiles.path & strExe7z) Then

Wscript.Echo "Please install 7-zip on this computer!"


End If

If Not objFileSys.FileExists(objProgramFiles.path & "\VMware\VMware Consolidated Backup Framework\vcbMounter.exe") Then

Wscript.Echo "Please install VCB on this computer!","Script Dependency Issue!"


End If

'Mounts Each VM

For Each strVM in wscript.arguments

If Not UCase(objWshNetwork.ComputerName) = UCase(strVM) Then

If objFileSys.FolderExists(strBackupfol & "\" & strVM) Then

Wscript.Echo(Now & " VM has been mounted already: " & strVM)


Wscript.Echo(Now & " Mounting VM: " & strVM)

strCmd = strvcbMounter & " -h " & strhost & " -u " & strusername & " -p " & strpassword & " -a " & strVMSName & ":" & strVM & " -r " _

& Chr(34) & strBackupfol & "\" & strVM & "" & Chr(34) & " -m " & strVCBTT & " -t file -L4"

'& " >" & Chr(34) & strBackupfol & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & ".log" & Chr(34)

'Wscript.Echo(strCmd) strCmd,10,True

End If


Wscript.Echo objWshNetwork.ComputerName & " can not backup its self!!"

End If


'Creates Diff Archives

For Each strVM in wscript.arguments

If Not UCase(objWshNetwork.ComputerName) = UCase(strVM) Then

If objFileSys.FolderExists(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "\letters") Then

'Find out how many day ago the last full backup was for the VM

intDateDiff = VMDateDiff(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "_FullBackup.log")

If (intDateDiff > 0) AND (intDateDiff < intForceFull) Then

Wscript.Echo(Now & " Days since " & strVM & " had full backup: " & intDateDiff)

Wscript.Echo(Now & " Starting differential backup of: " & strVM)

'Changed current Directory for 7-zip

objWshShell.CurrentDirectory = strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "\letters"

'Creates text file of all changed files

Set log = objFileSys.OpenTextFile(strOutputFolder & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & "Diff.txt", 2,true,0)

'Set log = objFileSys.OpenTextFile(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "\" & PDate & "_Diff.txt", 2,true,0)

Subfolders objFileSys.GetFolder(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "\letters" )


'Creates Diff Archive including all files in text file

strArguments = strExeArgsBase & " " & Chr(34) & strOutputFolder & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & "_Diff.exe" & Chr(34) _

&" -w" & strOutputFolder & "\ @" & strOutputFolder & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & "Diff.txt"

If Not objWshShell.Run(Chr(34) & strExe & Chr(34) & " " & strArguments, 10, True ) = 0 Then

Wscript.Echo("7-zip Error")

Wscript.Echo("Executable: " & strExe)

Wscript.Echo("Arguments: " & strArguments)

End If

'Clean up

objFileSys.DeleteFile strOutputFolder & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & "Diff.txt"

'Update/Creates Log for Diff backup

Set log = objFileSys.OpenTextFile(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "_FullBackup.log", 2,true,0)

log.writeline Now



Wscript.Echo(Now & " Starting full backup of: " & strVM)

'Creates Archive including all files in text file

strArguments = strExeArgsBase & " " & Chr(34) & strOutputFolder & "\" & PDate & "_" & strVM & "_Full.exe" & Chr(34) _

&" -w" & strOutputFolder & "\ " & Chr(34) & strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "\letters\*" & Chr(34)

If Not objWshShell.Run(Chr(34) & strExe & Chr(34) & " " & strArguments, 10, True ) = 0 Then

Wscript.Echo("7-zip Error")

Wscript.Echo("Executable: " & strExe)

Wscript.Echo("Arguments: " & strArguments)

End If

'Update/Creates Log for Diff backup

Set log = objFileSys.OpenTextFile(strBackupfol & "\" & StrVM & "_FullBackup.log", 2,true,0)

log.writeline Now


End If


Wscript.Echo(Now & " VM Not Mounted skipping: " & strVM)

End If

'Changed current Directory for unMounting

objWshShell.CurrentDirectory = strBackupfol & "\"

End If


'Un-mounts VMs

For Each strVM in wscript.arguments

If Not UCase(objWshNetwork.ComputerName) = UCase(strVM) Then

Wscript.Echo(Now & " UnMounting VM: " & strVM)

strCmd = strvcbMounter & " -h " & strhost & " -u " & strusername & " -p " & strpassword & " -U " _

& Chr(34) & strBackupfol & "\" & strVM & "" & Chr(34)

'Wscript.Echo(strCmd) strCmd,10,True

End IF


'End of Script


Function PDate()

Dim intDate

intDate = Year(Date())

If Len(Month(Date())) = 1 Then

intDate = intDate & "0" & Month(Date())


intDate = intDate & Month(Date())

End If

If Len(Day(Date())) = 1 Then

intDate = intDate & "0" & Day(Date())


intDate = intDate & Day(Date())

End If

PDate = intDate

End Function

Function VMDateDiff(ByVal strVMDateFile )

'Find out how many day ago the last full backup was

Dim strLog

Dim log

Dim objFileSys

Dim intOut

Dim strDate

Set objFileSys = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )

If objFileSys.FileExists(strVMDateFile) Then

Set log = objFileSys.OpenTextFile(strVMDateFile,1)

Do Until log.AtEndOfStream

strLog = log.ReadLine

If Not strLog = "" Then

strDate = strLog

End If



'wscript.echo("Number of days since last Full update: " & DateDiff("D",strLog,Now))

intOut = DateDiff("D",strDate,Now)


intOut = -1

End If

VMDateDiff = intOut

End Function

Sub SubFolders(Folder)

On Error Resume Next

Dim Subfolder

For Each Subfolder in Folder.SubFolders

ListFiles Subfolder

SubFolders Subfolder


End Sub

Sub ListFiles(Subfolder)

Dim files

Dim folderIdx

Set files = Subfolder.Files

For Each folderIdx In files

If DateDiff("D",folderIdx.DateLastModified,Now) < intDateDiff Then

If Not = "pagefile.sys" Then

log.WriteLine Right(folderIdx.path, (Len(folderIdx.path) - Len(objWshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\")))

'Wscript.Echo Right(folderIdx.path, (Len(folderIdx.path) - Len(objWshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\"))) & " " & DateDiff("D",folderIdx.DateLastModified,Now)


'Wscript.Echo Right(folderIdx.path, (Len(folderIdx.path) - Len(objWshShell.CurrentDirectory & "\"))) & " " & DateDiff("D",folderIdx.DateLastModified,Now)

End If

End If


End Sub

Sub ScriptMode(strMode)

Dim strPath, strCommand, strWinDir

Dim strArg, objArgs

Dim objShell

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

If Not LCase(Right(Wscript.FullName, 11)) = strMode & ".exe" Then

strPath = Wscript.ScriptFullName

strWinDir = objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%WinDir%")

If Not objShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles(x86)%") = "" Then

strCommand = strWinDir & "\SysWOW64\" & strMode & ".exe " & Chr(34) & strPath & chr(34)

Set objArgs = wscript.arguments

For Each strArg in objArgs

strCommand = strCommand & " " & strArg





strCommand = strWinDir & "\system32\" & strMode & ".exe " & Chr(34) & strPath & chr(34)

Set objArgs = wscript.arguments

For Each strArg in objArgs

strCommand = strCommand & " " & strArg




End If

End If

End Sub



Good script, thanx for this job, used as basis for my own backups.



Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎02-18-2010 12:51 PM
Updated by: