Automatically backup SQL-Express database

Automatically backup SQL-Express database

Using the following procedures you can implement an automatic backup of your SQL-Express database:

1. Paste the following SQL-Script in an editor and save as backupsql.sql (for example):

BACKUP DATABASE VIM_VCDB /* select database for backup */

TO DISK = 'D:\backup\vcenter-db\VIM_VCDB.bak' /* select destination for backup */

WITH INIT; /* overwrite existing backup files */

2. Create a new job in "Accessories" -> "Scheduled Tasks" to execute the SQL script:

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Tools\Binn\SQLCMD.EXE" -S serverName\instance -E -i D:\backup\sqlbackup.sql

-S (this specifies the server\instance name for SQL Server)

serverName (this is the server\instance name for SQL Server)

-E (this allows you to make a trusted connection)

-i (this specifies the input command file)

Some helpful general information about backing up SQL Server can be found here:

Version history
Revision #:
1 of 1
Last update:
‎11-16-2009 07:15 AM
Updated by: